Page 90 of Trusting Forever

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Hanna grinned. “More than.”

I led the way to my truck, helping her inside and shutting the door. This evening was ours, and I’d let go of any misgivings. I knew in my heart that Hanna felt the same way for me that I did for her. I might be moving quickly, but I had a feeling she’d appreciate it after years of indecision.



Sebastian knocking on my parents’ door and handing me a bouquet of flowers was surreal. It was everything I’d wished for when I was a teenager, and even as an adult. For so long, I wanted Sebastian to pursue and choose me.

It felt good. I knew we had some things to discuss. I wanted assurance that Brandy wasn’t just going to keep popping into our lives, but I had a feeling we’d weather the storm better in the future.

Brandy wouldn’t surprise us because we were rock-solid in our relationship. Nothing could shake us, certainly not the person who continually abandoned Ember.

“What are you thinking about?”

I sighed. “The last few days. What it means for us going forward.”

“I was hoping to wait until the carriage ride to talk about this, but what I said to you yesterday is how I feel. Brandy has had too much leeway in my life. I’m making moves so that she can’t just show up on the property again, much less my front porch.”

I let out the breath I felt like I’d been holding since I saw that woman and Ember had called out, “Mommy.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t react the right way that night. I was shocked that she was there, and I shouldn’t have been. This is the sort of thing she does.”

“It’s a hard situation. You want Ember to see her mother.”

“Yeah, but not like that. She can’t just show up and surprise everyone. That’s not okay. I realized how much it affected us.”

“I was so afraid of moving forward with you because I’ve grown to hate change. And I think it was because I don’t like the way it feels when Brandy shows up unannounced and then disappears a few days later. If I don’t handle it well, then what’s going through Ember’s head?”

“It can’t be good for her,” I said, taking a chance that my opinion was welcome.

“My thoughts are the same. I try to do what’s best for Ember and weigh it against having a relationship with her mother, but I don’t think this is the best way. Sometimes, I think it would be best if Brandy didn’t come at all.”

I reached over and took his hand in mine, my heart going out to him. “I can understand that.”

Sebastian shook his head. “The coming and going, the attention, then lack thereof, is confusing for a child.”

“You’re a good father, Sebastian. You’re doing the best you can.”

He glanced over at me before signaling to turn into the farm. There wasn’t a line of cars tonight, so there was no one at the gate to greet us.

When he pulled past the gate, he stopped and got out to close it. When he returned, he said, “Everyone who wants a tree should already have one. I don’t want to be interrupted.”

Pleasure slid through me, settling in my chest. “That sounds nice.”

He parked at the main house, where a carriage and two horses were off to the side. “Are you ready for this?”

“I can’t wait,” I said with a grin.

We met at the side of the carriage, where he gave me a boost onto the seat.

“There are blankets and hot chocolate,” Sebastian said as he moved to greet the horses before joining me.

“You don’t need to talk to your mother or your brothers?”

Sebastian flashed me a smile. “Not tonight. It’s just me and you.”

I settled into the seat, arranging a throw blanket over our laps.

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