Page 84 of Trusting Forever

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“I’d love that.”

Sebastian winked at me. “Dress warmly. I hear there’s a chance of snow.”

Just the thought of it snowing on Christmas had tingles popping up all over my body. “I’m looking forward to it.”

“See you tomorrow,” Ember called as she skipped toward the truck.

Sebastian leaned in, and I sucked in a breath. He smelled like spice and evergreen, everything I’d come to love. But he merely kissed me on the cheek; the scrape of his stubble on my face sent a tingle down my spine. As he drew back, he asked, “Are you okay?”

I smiled, my heart fluttering in my chest. “I will be.”

He cupped my cheek. “I can’t wait to see you tomorrow night.”

I pressed my cheek into the palm of his hand, unable to form words. I was still worried about Brandy’s arrival and what her presence meant for me, for us.

Sebastian lowered his voice but kept his gaze intent on mine. “Brandy isn’t staying with us. Knox escorted her off the property last night, and I haven’t heard from her since. I told her she wouldn’t be allowed to show up like that again. I’m going to an attorney after the holidays to have papers drawn up for custody and visitation. I never took care of that, and I’m regretting it now.”

Relief flowed through me like rain on a hot spring day, and my entire body relaxed. “I’m so proud of you.”

“It’s something I should have done a long time ago.” His expression was filled with regret. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

I swallowed over the lump, not sure how to respond to this version of Sebastian. The one that was honest and decisive. I liked it.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?” At my nod, he turned and jogged down the steps to his truck, where Ember was already waiting inside the cab.

Dad joined me at the door. “What was that about?”

“Sebastian brought us a wreath and flowers,” I said as I went inside and closed the door.

Mom took the vase, murmuring about how beautiful the flowers were, and placed them on the mantle.

“Apparently, Brandy isn’t allowed to stay at the house, and he’s going to have legal papers drawn up to define their arrangement,” I said, still a little blown away by Sebastian’s appearance, his gifts, and his intentions.

“That’s great news,” Mom said over her shoulder as she continued to fuss with the stems.

“A few years too late,” Dad grumbled.

Mom stepped back from the mantle to admire the flowers. “He’s doing the right thing. Let’s give him a chance.”

Dad turned his gaze on me. “If he hurts you again—”

“You always have my back.” I hoped that Sebastian would be in my future. I didn’t need someone to protect me, but it sure felt nice.



Walking away from Hanna without verifying that we were okay was hard. But I’d done what I came to do. I gave her a few gifts, explained that Brandy wasn’t staying in my cabin, and invited her to the carriage ride tomorrow night.

Now I needed to plan the perfect make-up date. Or at least I hoped that was what it would be. She had to forgive me. Otherwise, why had she accepted my date proposal? I didn’t let myself contemplate the other possibilities. That she wanted to tell me in person we can’t be together.

“She said yes,” Ember said from the back of the cab, and my heart stutter-stepped.

What if I proposed to her tomorrow night? What if I laid everything out there at once, my feelings for her and my intentions for the future? I’d be laying everything on the line, asking for her to accept or reject me.

I met her gaze in the rearview mirror. “I think you’re on to something.”

“I am?” Ember asked as I pulled away from the curb.

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