Page 75 of Trusting Forever

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Her hair was darker than Ember’s, with a purple streak in it. Her face was lined with heavy makeup. She wore black combat-style boots, black jeans, and a jacket. “I came to see my daughter. It’s Christmas.”

She acted like it was no big deal, as if her presence was expected this time of year. But it wasn’t. Her visits weren’t predictable. Sebastian had a theory that she showed up in between boyfriends when she was bored.

Ember stood in front of Sebastian. Her expression was hesitant, as if she wasn’t sure what to make of her mother’s presence. My heart ached for her. I wanted to protect her from whatever this was, but none of us could.

Brandy had a right to see her daughter.

“What is she doing here?” Brandy asked, her voice filled with disgust as she gestured in my direction.

“She’s been helping with Ember. You know I work long hours.”

Sebastian’s words were like a knife to the chest. He hadn’t claimed me in front of Brandy. Why? What was the purpose of pretending we weren’t seeing each other?

“What are your plans?” Sebastian’s voice was carefully controlled.

“I want to spend a few days with Ember. I can stay in your new guest room. Surely, this place has one.” Her tone was cutting.

Then it hit me. Marley had published my blog post a few days ago, complete with pictures of the brothers in front of Sebastian’s cabin the day he moved in. The article focused on the move and his bond with his brothers. Had Brandy seen it and wanted something from him? Had I led her right to him?

Sebastian stepped onto the porch. “It does.”

I was staying in the guest room; a horrifying thought came over me. I needed to leave. Brandy wanted alone time with Ember, and Sebastian wouldn’t need me to watch her after school. I was also staying in the sole guest room. Or, at least, my things were. I couldn’t stay in Sebastian’s bedroom, not with Brandy here.



I felt like I was in a fog. I couldn’t believe Brandy was standing on my porch. Hanna was fumbling to put her key in the lock.

“Here, let me,” I said, stepping closer to assist her, but she doubled down on her efforts, and the door finally swung open.

“This is a cute place,” Brandy said as she stepped inside. Ember stood next to me, her face riddled with uncertainty.

Hanna had disappeared upstairs, presumably to move her things. I hoped she was moving them into my bedroom. It would be awkward, but Brandy always stayed with me when she visited. Since she usually didn’t have any money or a home here, it made the most sense. She’d told me she wanted to spend every minute with Ember that she could. So, I allowed it.

“Are you staying with us for Christmas?” Ember asked, while my heart thumped hard in my chest.

“Oh, I don’t know what my plans are yet. But I have a little bit of time to spend with you.”

Brandy acted like it was this big thing that she showed up and spent a day or two with her daughter, but it wasn’t enough. It only served to leave pain and confusion in her wake. I’d need to pick up the pieces and soothe hurt feelings, but this time, she’d shown up a few days before Christmas. Then there was Hanna. How was this going to work?

Hanna returned with a bag over her shoulder. “I’m going to spend a few days with my family. I wanted to spend time with them.”

Hanna hugged Ember tight. “I love you.”

“You’re leaving?” Ember asked when Hanna pulled away.

“I’m visiting my family for a few days so you can have time with your mom.” Hanna’s smile was forced.

“I don’t want you to leave,” Ember said.

Brandy laughed. “She can’t stay, silly. You, me, and your father are a family. Hanna has to go spend time with her family.”

I wanted to protest, but I was so shocked that Brandy was standing in my kitchen that I couldn’t remember the advice of my therapist. Was I supposed to take control of this situation and insist Brandy get a hotel? Tell her to call and we’d arrange something, or was it best to let Ember see her for as long as she was here? I usually gave in to her demands to stay at the cabin. Why would this time be different?

That had always worked in the past, but then I didn’t have a girlfriend living with me, and I wasn’t sure I’d introduced her as such. What had I said when Brandy asked why Hanna was here?

Hanna hugged me, and she whispered, “Good luck,” before she whirled away, turned the knob, and was gone.

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