Page 48 of Trusting Forever

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“Obviously, Marley didn’t either,” Cole said as he strode closer to the stage.

“Do you think he’s going to say something to Marley?” I asked Sebastian, but his eyes were on Cole, who’d lifted his hand to bid on Daphne.

“Do you think he likes her?” I asked Sebastian.

“I don’t know Daphne, but in general, we don’t associate with her family. They are our competition. We don’t have anything to discuss with them that wouldn’t be revealing our business strategies.”

“Then why is he bidding on her?” I asked him.

“I have no idea.”

I pursed my lips as someone else started bidding against Cole. “This is a little weird.”

“It’s all for a good cause,” Sebastian reminded me.

“What if I don’t like the guy that wins me? Then I’ll have to spend hours with him on a romantic date.” I hadn’t thought this through. I’d assumed anyone I’d meet with would be a potential boyfriend for me. But if he wasn’t right for me, then it would be an awkward evening. “If he’s paid for me, I’d feel obligated to show him a good time.”

Sebastian raised his brow.

“Not like that. But I’ll have to stay for the entire date, whether I’m having a good time or not.”

Sebastian’s gaze locked on mine. “I think you’re going to enjoy it.”

I frowned. “How can you be so sure?”

Sebastian shrugged but didn’t offer any more information. He looked relaxed, as if he didn’t have a care in the world. He obviously wasn’t concerned about other men bidding on me.

It shouldn’t have bothered me, but it did. I was the one who wanted to go through with this. I wanted to move on from this crush, but I wasn’t so sure I had. And it was becoming clearer by the moment that Sebastian wasn’t phased by this at all.

A winner was declared, but I barely processed that it was Cole who walked on stage. After speaking with him, Marley announced that Cole had requested the hot tub date. There were cheers and a few boos from the men close to the stage.

I was relieved that I wouldn’t have to get in a hot tub with a stranger but couldn’t process anything else because I was next. I wiped my sweaty hands on the skirt of my dress when Marley called my name.

I’d asked to go early in the evening so I could get it over with. Maybe I could be done with the date in time for some TV with Sebastian.

I mentally shook my head. I was supposed to be looking forward to meeting someone new, not ending the night with Sebastian. As I stood on the stage and looked out over the crowd, I wondered what I was thinking. Why was I so hung up on Sebastian?

I sought him out in the crowd, and when I found him, he winked at me. He winked. He was my friend. He wanted me to be happy. If I wanted to date, then that’s what he wanted, too. He wasn’t jealous of me seeing someone else.

I rolled my shoulders back. I was doing the right thing. Marley read through my short bio, the list of things I liked to do, my occupation as a teacher, and my love for kids. A few guys stepped forward, their gazes assessing.

When Marley opened the floor for bidding, there was a rapid-fire yelling of numbers. I felt dizzy and light-headed under the strong spotlights. I couldn’t even focus on the voices or who was raising their numbers. Suddenly, I felt hot. Too hot.

I was going to pass out on the stage. I couldn’t remember when I’d eaten last. But I was sure it was breakfast. There had been trays of food around all day, but I hadn’t been able to eat. My stomach had been twisted up.

Just when it seemed like the calling out had slowed, Sebastian raised his arm.

What is he doing?

My skin felt hot and flushed, and I swayed slightly.

His bid, which was significantly higher than the others, sparked more bidding. That’s when things got a little hazy. There were black spots in my vision; I swayed and couldn’t right myself, falling backward. I didn’t remember hitting the floor or blacking out.

There was a soft brush of fingers on my face. “Hanna, wake up.”

It was Sebastian’s voice. My eyes fluttered open, and it was his face that filled my vision. “What happened?”

“You fainted.” His tone was filled with concern.

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