Page 38 of His Demands

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I take a deep breath, knowing I owe her the truth, or at least as much of it as I can share without putting her in more danger. "Julie, it's complicated. My past with the Bratva... it's something I thought I'd left behind. They're not people you walk away from easily. And now, they've come back, and they're using you to get to me."

Julie looks at me, her eyes searching for assurance in my words. I can see the conflict within her, the struggle to reconcile the man she knows with the shadows of the man I used to be.

“So you’re a Russian mobster?” she asks. I note the lack of surprise in her tone.

“I was. A long time ago. But I left that world.”

She chuckles but it holds no humor. “Boris seems to disagree with you on that.”

"I'll handle this, Julie," I say, my voice firm. "Trust me. I'll find a way to protect us both from whatever he has planned."

The tension in the air grows thick as I try to navigate the conversation, my mind desperately searching for solutions. "I'm sending you to my cabin upstate. It's remote and safe. You'll be out of harm's way until I handle this."

Her response is immediate and fierce. "You're not sending me anywhere, Ivan. I'm not some package to be shipped off for safekeeping." Her stance is defiant, her eyes ablaze with a determination both admirable and frustrating.

I try to reason with her, to explain the gravity of the situation. "Julie, you don't understand the kind of danger we're dealing with. The Bratva isn't just some street gang; they're a powerful criminal organization with a very long reach."

Her face falls, a look of betrayal and hurt that cuts deeper than any physical wound could. "Ivan, why didn't you tell me this before? How could you keep something like this from me?"

I reach out to her, but again she steps back, her trust in me clearly shaken. "I thought I could protect you from it, keep it buried. I didn't want my past to taint the life we're trying to build together."

"But now it has," she whispers, her voice barely audible. "And you think sending me away will fix this?"

I shake my head, struggling to find the words to convey the depth of my concern for her safety. "It's not about fixing it, Julie. It's about keeping you safe. I can't risk anything happening to you."

Her eyes glisten with unshed tears, a turmoil of emotions playing across her face. "And what about you, Ivan? Who’s going to keep you safe?"

I set my jaw, a resolve firming within me. "I'll handle Boris and the Bratva. I'll find a way to end this, once and for all. But I need to know you’re out of the danger zone first. Please, Julie, trust me on this.”

Julie's stance is resolute, her eyes demanding honesty. "If you want me to trust you, I need to know everything. All of it. I need to know who you really are."

I take a deep breath, knowing that the time for keeping secrets has passed. "It all started with my father's death," I begin, my voice heavy as memories I've long tried to bury begin to resurface. "He was killed by a powerful Bratva in Russia. My mother, my brother, Fyodor and I had to flee. We ended up here, in New York. It was a hard life and we struggled to make ends meet."

Her expression softens slightly, but her gaze remains intense, urging me to continue.

"I was young, angry, and desperate," I confess. "That's when I got involved with the Mikhailov Bratva. They offered protection, a sense of belonging, and a way to make money. It was easy to get into as it was what I knew from my homeland. I was good at it, too good. I climbed the ranks, did things I'm not proud of."

Julie swallows hard, her eyes reflecting the shock of my revelations. "But how did you get from there to here? To being a respected businessman?"

"That came later," I explain, meeting her gaze. "The former leader of the Bratva, he saw potential in me beyond the criminal world. He released me from my obligations after I'd made them millions and secured enough for myself to start anew. That's when I started my company. I left that world behind, Julie. I haven't been involved in any criminal activities for over a decade."

Her brow furrows, a mix of understanding and disbelief. "If you were relieved of your obligation, why does Boris think you’re still beholden to them? Why come after you now?"

I shake my head, frustration evident in my tone. "I don't know. Maybe there’s been a power shift within the Bratva, or maybe they just never truly let anyone go. But one thing's clear, they're using my past to manipulate me now."

Julie steps closer, her anger subsiding into concern. "Ivan, this is serious. You can't just handle this on your own. We need to go to the police, get protection."

I hesitate, the thought of involving law enforcement a complicated one. "It's not that simple. Going to the police could escalate things. I need to handle this carefully, strategically."

"But what about us? What about our safety?" Her voice trembles slightly, betraying her fear yet again.

I reach out, taking her hands in mine. "I'll do everything in my power to protect you. I won't let anything happen to you, Julie. That's a promise."

I squeeze her hands gently, trying to convey my determination. "I'll find a way to end this threat, once and for all. I have resources, connections. I'm not that young, desperate boy anymore. I'm a man with something to fight for now—you, our family, this business. I won't let the Bratva destroy what I've built, what we've built together."

Julie nods, a silent understanding passing between us. "Just... just be careful, Ivan. I don't want to lose you."

I pull her into a hug, holding her close. "You won't lose me. We're in this together. We'll get through this, I promise."
