Page 26 of His Demands

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Chapter 16


Touching down in Bora Bora, I'm braced for more Ivan-the-businessman, but as soon as he steps off the plane, it's apparent he's shed his corporate skin. Suddenly, he's Ivan-on-vacation, and it's a hell of a transformation.

Our seaside cottage is nothing short of a paradise retreat. Nestled away from the bustling resort, it's a private sanctuary where the only sounds are the gentle lapping of the ocean and the rustling of palm leaves in the breeze.

The interior is a vision, airy and open, with a bed that looks like it was made for royalty. The view of the ocean is so stunning it almost seems photoshopped, and every detail, from the soft linens to the tropical flowers on the table, whispers romance.

But the real magic happens on the beach. Ivan leads me to a private cabana, set up just for us, with curtains fluttering in the soft ocean breeze. It's secluded, romantic, and unbelievably sexy.

The heat isn't just from the sun. There's an undeniable flame between us, a sizzle that's been building since we boarded the plane, and clearly wasn’t sated by our steamy encounter on the flight here.

Things escalate pretty quickly. The sun, the sea, the secluded cabana, it's like we're in our own little world. Ivan's touch is electric, his kisses deep and passionate. When he pulls me close, the feel of his body against mine is enough to make me forget this is barely more than a contractual obligation.

We make love with the curtains billowing around us, the gentle ocean breeze mingling with the heat of our bodies. It's passionate, intense, and surprisingly tender. Ivan, the stoic, always-in-control CEO, shows a side of him I've never seen before—caring, attentive, and dare I say, a little playful.

As we lay there afterward, listening to the waves and feeling the warm breeze on our skin, I can't help but wonder if this tender side of him is just a vacation thing or if there’s more to it. Ivan is much different here, away from the office and the pressures of his corporate world. He's more relaxed, more open, and incredibly charming.

But as the sun sets, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink, I remind myself to keep my guard up. This is still Ivan Stepanov and this arrangement is as unconventional as it gets. I'm here to enjoy the moment, the luxury, the sex, but I'm not about to lose myself in a fantasy that’s just going to dissipate as soon as we return home.

The second day on the island ushers in a new adventure, and it's like stepping into a glossy travel brochure. Ivan has arranged a private lagoon cruise on a boat that's more like a floating palace. The deck gleams under the sun, the white sails billow like clouds in the clear blue sky, and I'm pretty sure the sea is showing off just for us—sparkling turquoise water inviting us in.

As we set sail, the breeze tousles my hair, and I can't help but feel like I'm in some kind of dream. Ivan stands beside me, his hand holding mine, his touch grounding me in this surreal moment. He's got an interesting look in his eye, a combination of excitement and a promise of more than just scenic views.

We arrive at the reef to go scuba diving and I'm all suited up, feeling a bit like an astronaut about to step onto an alien planet. The ocean below us is a mystery, a world I've only ever glimpsed through the glass at the New York Aquarium. But with Ivan by my side, guiding me and encouraging me, I'm ready to dive in.

The water is crystal clear, a window into a world of vibrant colors and animated life. We're greeted by sea turtles that glide past with a grace that's almost otherworldly. There are so many fish in colors so bright and patterns so intricate, I feel like I'm swimming in a living, breathing masterpiece.

But amidst this incredible experience and all of these amazing views, it's Ivan who's the real surprise. He's become a completely different person since we arrived here. He’s relaxed and playful, vulnerable and romantic. He holds my hand as we watch the sea turtles, sneaking kisses under the water that leave me giggling into my snorkel. He whispers naughty promises in my ear, his voice low and husky, causing my insides to quiver.

It's in these moments of stolen kisses and whispered promises that really get to me. Ivan is slowly weaving his way into my heart. He's showing me a side of him I never knew existed—a man who can laugh and be tender, one who can look at me like I'm the only woman in the world.

I came to Bora Bora expecting a luxurious vacation with my businessman husband. What I didn't expect was to find a connection, a chemistry going beyond convenience and contracts. Ivan is slowly revealing himself to be so much more.

We're like a couple of teenagers, unable to keep our hands off each other. We make love two, three times a day, and each time is like the first, filled with a hunger and urgency that leaves me breathless. He's opened a door to a part of me I didn't even know existed.

Every touch, every kiss, is a discovery, a revelation of pleasure and connection.

But it's not just the physical aspect. Ivan is making me feel things I didn't want to feel, things I didn't think were possible to feel in our arrangement. He's tender, attentive, and when he looks at me, it's like he's seeing right into my soul. It's both exhilarating and terrifying.

After a few days in paradise, business creeps up on us that Ivan has to attend to. I can’t help but feel a twinge of disappointment.

“I seem to remember you making a promise to put work away while we were here,” I say, a weak smile on my face that suggests I’m only half-joking.

Part of me expects him to dismiss my concerns. Ivan’s the kind of man for whom work always comes first. Instead, he looks genuinely frustrated with himself. He steps over to me and places his hand on my shoulder. To my surprise, his touch calms me instantly.

“I know. And I never want to be the sort of husband who breaks promises.” He glances away thoughtfully before speaking again. “How about this—give me a bit of time to wrap up these work matters, and I’ll make myself unavailable for the rest of the trip. I’ll set up automatic replies for my email and phone stating I’m out of the office.”

There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s being sincere with what he’s saying.

“That would be nice,” I say. “It really would.”

“Head into town and do a little shopping therapy. I’ll text you when I’m all done.”

But the idea of wandering around souvenir stores doesn't appeal to me. Instead, I opt for something more low-key.

"I think I'll just wander down the beach," I tell him. "Maybe find a good book in the gift shop at the nearby resort."
