Page 21 of His Demands

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He raises his glass, clinking it gently against mine. "To our partnership," he says, his deep voice resonating in the small space.

His eyes lock onto mine as he takes a sip, and I feel an inexplicable pull, an observance that goes beyond the clink of our glasses. It’s unsettling and yet oddly thrilling at the same time. I want to gulp down the champagne, let the bubbles ease the bundle of nerves in my stomach, but I resist. I take a small, measured sip instead, trying to match his composure.

The taste is exquisite, a perfect blend of flavors that dances on my tongue, but it’s not enough to distract me from the man sitting across from me. The reality of our situation, the enormity of the decision I’ve made, starts to sink in.

Ivan's unexpected question catches me off guard. "Which do you prefer, mountains or the beach?" he asks, his tone casual, as if we're just two acquaintances making small talk.

I can't help but laugh. "That's quite the icebreaker question," I say, amused by the sudden shift from formalities to something that feels more like a first date query.

He simply smiles, a rare expression that softens his usually stern features, and lifts an eyebrow in silent encouragement for me to answer.

"Definitely the beach," I reply, still smiling. "There’s something about the sound of the waves and the feel of sand underfoot that’s relaxing."

As I speak, Ivan pulls out his phone, his fingers moving swiftly over the screen. He seems absorbed in whatever he's typing, but then he looks up, meeting my eyes with a gaze that's both intense and unreadable.

"What's going on?" I ask, curiosity piqued. It's not like him to be distracted during a conversation, especially not on a day as significant as this one.

"The company plane will be taking us to Bora Bora for the week," he says, as if announcing a routine business trip.

I blink, the words taking a moment to sink in. "Bora Bora? As in, the tropical paradise Bora Bora?" My voice rises in disbelief. This isn't just a getaway; it's a full-blown honeymoon destination, one most people only dream about. Including me.

Ivan nods, a trace of something similar to satisfaction flickering in his eyes. "Yes, that Bora Bora. Consider it a celebration of our new partnership."

The car suddenly feels like it's spinning, even though we're moving in a perfectly straight line. Bora Bora. I've only seen in it travel magazines or on the Travel channel, a dream destination for a honeymoon I never imagined I'd have, especially not like this.

My mind races, trying to process this new development. It's a chance to escape, to breathe in new air and maybe to better understand this complex man sitting across from me.

"Wow, Ivan, that's incredibly generous," I manage, still reeling from the surprise. "I don't even know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything," he replies, his voice steady.

As I sit back, sipping my bubbly, the reality of it all begins to settle in.

I'm going to Bora Bora with Ivan Stepanov.

My boss.

My husband.

The thought sends a thrill of excitement mixed with a twinge of apprehension through me. This trip, this unexpected honeymoon, could be the start of something new, something I hadn't dared to ever hope for.

Chapter 13


As the sleek car cruises through the city, the revelation about Bora Bora leaves me reeling. "Wait, hold on a second," I blurt, my voice climbing an octave. "I'm not prepared for this! I don’t have the right clothes for a freaking tropical paradise, and…” my eyes flash… “what about Kiki?”

Ivan raises an eyebrow. “Kiki?”

“My cat! I didn’t arrange for anyone to feed her."

My mind is a whirlwind of logistics and sheer panic. The idea of a week in the tropics, while undeniably tempting, throws me completely off balance. I'm mentally rifling through my wardrobe, trying to imagine what I can pull together for a beach vacation. And then there's Kiki, my furball of judgment and affection, who definitely won't appreciate being left to her own devices.

In the midst of my spiraling thoughts, Ivan reaches over and plucks my phone out of my hand. I stop mid-rant, my mouth hanging open in surprise.

"Hey!" I exclaim, a mix of indignation and confusion coloring my tone. "What are you doing?"

He doesn't even bat an eyelash. With the calmness of a man used to handling crises, he starts scrolling through my contacts. "Who takes care of Kiki when you're not around?" he asks, his focus still on my phone.
