Page 77 of Dark as Knight

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“You expect me to walk in on you bent over with your ass in the air and not do something about it?” He pulls his hand back and smacks my cheek that is now protected by a layer of material. His hand lingers, grabbing a handful while nuzzling my neck.

“Yes, I do when you just had me in the shower and then on the closet floor after and then on the bathroom counter.”

“I don’t recall you complaining or telling me to stop.” His hands find my breasts. “In fact,” he says, toying with my nipples that have grown increasingly more sensitive over the last few weeks, “I recall you being the one to join me in the shower—what bra are you wearing? Your tits feel bigger.” He’s already pulling the front of my dress down, biting and sucking my nipples. My ability to remain focused on getting ready is slowly dissipating.

“No, stop.” I pull my dress back up, walking over to the counter to put on my jewelry. “I promised Mati we’d be there a little early so I can talk to her sister.”

“Fine. I promise not to distract the talent any longer right now, but when we get home tonight, you’re going to be my present.” He kisses my forehead, stepping into his closet to finish getting ready as an exciting flutter settles in my belly. I glance down, my hands instinctively resting against my lower abdomen as I think about the news I have to tell Atlas tonight.

When we arrive at the club and step inside, it still feels like a complete dream I’m living in. This place that I’ve worked so hard to bring to life finally has the crowd it deserves. There’s already a line to get in, the doors not opening for another forty-five minutes.

Terry at the coffee shop has been telling all the customers about the grand opening of Stella’s as well as hanging flyers. Atlas’ friends and business associates are in attendance as well. We make our rounds, saying hello to everyone and engaging in small talk.

“Dexter, hi!” I throw my arms around Clyde’s son and give him a warm hug. I met him two months back when he officially moved back to Chicago and started rehearsing with his dad. “You’re playing tonight, right?”

“I am. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He smiles, holding up his trumpet case. “I’m gonna go warm up with Dad. I’ll see you onstage.”

I walk back down the hallway, ducking into my office for a moment where I find Atlas waiting for me.

“How’d you know I’d end up in here?” I laugh as he pulls me into his arms.

“Because I know you.” He spins me around, the slow hum of the music outside making its way through the door. My office is a dream now. You’d never guess by looking at it that it once looked like a crime scene. Lush white curtains frame the window that’s been upgraded, allowing fresh air and the Chicago sun to stream through—the few months we see it. “How are you doing? Feeling nervous at all?”

“I was for a minute actually; that’s a really big crowd. But now, not so much, I’m really excited to sing again. It’s been so long.”

He pauses our dancing, pulling me closer so his nose is touching mine. “I’m so sorry I ever took that away from you.”

“I forgive you.”

We stand in each other’s arms, finally leaving the office when I’m ready to go onstage and welcome everyone here tonight.

“Good luck, sweetheart.” Atlas kisses me, excusing himself to go take a seat while I step onstage.

“Good evening.” I smile nervously and wave. “I’ve never given a speech or anything like this before.” I keep it very short, thanking everyone who helped bring my dream to life, my amazing and loving band and my husband, the love of my life.

Everyone raises a glass in a toast, then the band starts up. The lights dim and I take my place on the stage. I glance around the dark room, trying to find Atlas, but I can’t find him. I hear the opening notes and I close my eyes, taking in a slow, steady breath before the lights come back on and I open my eyes.

I let out the first notes of the song, my gaze landing on Atlas sitting back behind the spotlight. All I can make out are his shoes and on the right side, his hand with his pinky ring. I lift my eyes to where his would be, the light blinding me as I run my hands over the curves of my body. I sway to the music, losing myself in the rhythm as I sing to my husband.

When the final note is sung and the night is over, we make our way outside to the waiting car. Atlas’ hand is in my hair, tangling with my curls as I look over at him.

“You were very naughty tonight, my love. The way you touched yourself while you sang to me was quite seductive.”

“Was it?” I run my finger up his inner thigh. “I didn’t realize it.”

“Mmm, do you have any idea what you do to me?” His hand is on my thigh, his lips on my neck.

“I’m sorry, Oliver. Could you?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Oliver slides the partition into place, Atlas already so consumed with what he’s doing to me he’s completely oblivious to where we are.

“You know, I didn’t get you a birthday present.”

Atlas sits back. “I know, I told you not to. Besides, I thought I told you earlier, you’re my present. Also, how you woke me up this morning was about the best birthday present I can get.”

“About that, there’s nothing you’d possibly want?”

“No.” He laughs, looking at me sideways. “Baby, I have everything I could possibly want already. I’m serious.”
