Page 93 of The Dominion of Sin

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Which is kept close, where the heart should be.

The Omnikey had been with me this whole time.


Amon and I stared at the Omnikey key in awe.

“Well, I guess you technically were right.” He said, “The Omnikey had been hidden in Elvira’s statue. You just took it with you when you were born.” I laughed again, feeling shaky, and not just from the three orgasms Amon had given me.

“We have to open the box.” I breathed, moving to get out of bed. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back into him, kissing me deeply.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked playfully, “You don’t have any clothes on.” I laughed.

“Well, I was going to go change.” I reasoned, and he shook his head.

“You’re not going anywhere; I will bring your things here.” He informed me and snapped his fingers. My armoire manifested next to his desk, and I grinned. I guess we were sharing this room now. Finally, he released me. He pulled on his pants and slid over to the table, where my mating stone still rested, in between the armchairs. He scooped it up and came back to where I waited in bed.

Reaching out, he pulled the now-ruined ring of ravens from my neck. It had served its purpose and given us the Omnikey. I looked down at the distorted pendant and felt a small twinge. I had worn it my whole life, it was strange to see it destroyed. Knowing that it would be replaced with our mating stone made it easier for me to say goodbye.

Amon moved to kneel behind me and fastened the thin chain around my neck. The pendant warmed against me immediately and emanated the soft scent of cinnamon the moment I touched my hand to it. I closed my eyes and inhaled, smiling to myself.

“When you wear this, everyone will know that you are mine.” He whispered into my ear, his voice growing husky. He turned my head to the side and kissed me on the mouth from behind, his hand drifting around me to cup my naked breast again. I arched against him and leaned into the kiss. It would have been so easy to stay in this room and forget the world. I turned to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck, and looking up into his eyes with a lazy smile on my face.

“You can’t tell me you’re ready to go again,” I teased him, and he gave me a wicked grin as he pulled me closer. I could tell from the hardness that pressed against me, that he was, in fact, ready. I laughed and swatted his shoulder playfully. “We have to open the box, Amon.”

“I suppose you’re right,” he sighed, pulling away slightly. “The fate of two worlds rests on our shoulders. I guess I can’t spend the next three days in here, having my way with you.” My core tightened again, wondering what types of things he would have planned for us over the course of three days. However, he was right. We did not have time to waste.

I got out of bed and wandered over to my newly manifested wardrobe. I fished a fresh pair of underwear out of the top drawer and slipped them on before padding around the room to collect the rest of my discarded outfit. Amon watched me hungrily as I got dressed. I arched an eyebrow at him.

“Stop staring at me,” I scolded, and he shook his head, smirking.

“It’s hard not to.” He shrugged, “I told you; mating bonds are… intense. Especially in the beginning. I will likely be insufferable and overbearing for the foreseeable future.” He said jokingly, but I knew there was some truth to it.

“You were already insufferable and overbearing,” I teased him, and he let out a bark of laughter.

“I suppose I can’t argue with that,” he got out of bed to get dressed. He tucked his chain inside his shirt, but when I went to do the same, he stopped me.

“No. I want everyone to see. I want them to know that you are mine.” He growled softly. I rolled my eyes. Insufferable and overbearing indeed.

“Fine, then, you do the same. Let that sparkle shine my Dark Prince,” I quipped, and his eyes crinkled. He nodded and pulled the chain out, letting the green gem glint in the moonlight. I smirked. I supposed I liked it too, that everyone would see that he was mine. Suddenly, I realized something. I wasn’t on any form of birth control. Never had been. It hadn’t been necessary, considering in the human world I had basically been treated as some kind of pariah. My hand fell to my stomach, and I glanced at Amon.

“Hey… what do daemons do about contraception?” I asked. “I’m not on anything.”

He nodded, understanding. “I’m sure Meredith can whip something up for you. If not, there’s an Apothecary in town, and we can pick something up. Though typically, it is much more difficult for daemons to conceive than humans. It often takes years of actively trying before a couple is successful.” He explained. I nodded. That was good to know. I certainly wasn’t ready to entertain the idea of parenthood. I could barely wrap my head around my existing responsibilities.

“Let’s go tell everyone the big news,” I said as I took his hand. He smirked at me.

“Most of them already know that we are mates. Before the Board meeting, Patricia asked me if I knew you were my mate at the Abbey house. I had to have a chat with Conrad before we joined you all in the Dolomites.” He told me, and I laughed.

“I was talking about the Omnikey, but good to know that our nuptials have already been announced to the team. I bet you Rycon knows too. He told me to sleep with you when you were being pissy the day we were traveling to Olkuyrbe.” Amon let out another surprised burst of laughter, his eyes shining mirthfully.

“Never thought I would feel so indebted to that damn shifter,” he muttered as we made our way to the common room to tell our friends we finally had the missing piece to the puzzle.

We entered the common room together, to find that the males had returned to join Kasha and Meredith.

Kasha was curled up reading a large ancient book, and Rycon lounged beside her, reading over her shoulder. Meredith and Conrad stood by the fire with Dossidian, their faces solemn. My face heated as I wondered what they were talking about. I was sure Meredith was filling them in on what had happened in our disaster of a visit to Ash Nevra’s castle.

The moment we entered the room, Rycon’s head snapped up, and his nostrils flared before a wicked grin curled across his face.
