Page 80 of The Dominion of Sin

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Despite the image Amon had shown me, to help my shadows guide us, nothing could have prepared me for the glittering display that was Aurora’s Cove. Amon smirked at me, taking note of my obvious excitement.

“I understand why you need to gate this off most of the year. How do you keep people from stealing the emeralds?” I whispered.

“We have guards stationed about at all hours,” he gestured to two inconspicuous figures, dressed in restructium suits that stood guard nearby. We approached the cove, and I couldn’t drink in the view fast enough. Black sand shimmered and sparkled with the reflected light of countless raw emeralds, some the size of small boulders.

The waves rolled in, carrying more emeralds to shore, where they lay in shining heaps along the shoreline. The stars shone bright overhead and their light reflected off the gems creating an ethereal glow that seemed to resonate from within. Dancing across the night sky was what looked like the Aurora Borealis, though in this world, the light display was composed of deep violet, magenta and crimson.

The black beach was peppered with bonfires and groups of daemons crowded around the fire pits, looking out to sea as they enjoyed the lights. We found an empty spot and Kasha blasted the small pyre, setting it alight before flopping down into the sand.

“I brought more champagne!” She said cheerfully, manifesting a bottle and popping the cork, before pouring some into a few more magically produced flutes.

Rycon took his and slid down next to her. “Finally, someone brought drinks,” he said, eyeing the golden liquid before taking a sip. I rolled my eyes as Kasha passed me a glass. I noticed that Conrad had wandered down to the water alone, and I frowned.

“Hey, can you hold this for me?” I asked Amon. He took it and nodded.

“Thanks, be right back.” I left the group at the bonfire and headed out to meet Conrad by the water.

He had taken off his shoes and was letting the ocean wash over his feet. He had his eyes closed with his face turned up to the sky.

“Hey, am I interrupting?” I asked softly as I approached. He turned to look at me and smiled.

“No, long time since mi been near di water.” Considering how closely Conrad’s magick was connected to the sea, I realized that being away from the water for so long might have been uncomfortable for him. If I really thought about it, he likely hadn’t had the chance to soak his feet in saltwater since we had met. Other than his short trip back to Jamaica for Patricia’s funeral.

We stood in silence for a minute, watching the purple and coral hued lights dance above us in the sky.

“You doing ok?” I asked him, and he glanced at me.

“‘Mi should be askin yuh that. Yuh’ been through a lot lately.” He gestured to the circlet on my brow. “Yuh were made a empress today.”

I made a face again. “I don’t know how official that is.” I laughed, “but you have been through a lot too. You just lost your grandmother and didn’t get to spend much time with your family to mourn.”

He nodded but gave me a small smile.

“Mi nuh too close wid di rest of mi family. Mi motha was very young when she had me. I did not see her much growing up. Der is no bad blood, we just nuh know each other very good.

“Mi fatha passed when mi was likkle. It was better dat mi spend di time wit Meredith. She may not be mi sister in blood, but wi have always been tight. Mi grandmother and Mr. Abbey have always been close colleagues.” His eyes twinkled, and I wondered if Patricia Brown and Walter Abbey might have ever been more than just ‘colleagues.’ I looped my arm through his and rested my head on his shoulder.

“What do magick folk believe happens to the soul after you pass away?” I asked and we looked up at the sky together.

“Wi all have our different beliefs,” he told me; his voice was soft and musical, playing off the gentle crash of the waves that washed up around us. “Some believe dat di spirit goes through trials in di afterlife, some believe dat we can speak to our ancestors in dreams. Some believe in reincarnation.”

“And what do you believe?” I asked, and he laughed softly.

“If di spirits put mi grandmother through any trials di whole world woulda shake. Mi believe dat she is part of di universe now. She is all around me. She is in di water dat wash up pon dis shore, and in every single grain a sand. Shi protects us and blesses us on our journey as wi walk through dis life.”

I felt my throat tighten and hoped that was true for Clair too.

“I hope you’re right,” I whispered, my voice hoarse. After a few more moments, enjoying each other's company in silence, Conrad turned to me.

“We should head back, yuh daemon prince will wonder where yuh went.” I swatted his arm playfully.

“He’s not my daemon prince,” I laughed, and Conrad chuckled.

“Someone should tell him dat,” he joked, gesturing to Amon, who was standing, holding my champagne, keeping a close watch. As we walked back up the beach, Conrad looked at me again. “Him nuh so bad yuh know. Prince Amon. Mi did have him all wrong.”

I nodded. “I know.”
