Page 56 of The Dominion of Sin

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“Rycon just made a mistake. To officially challenge him for his title, K’yen would have had to mate me, then put his request for challenge to a vote within the Olkuyrbe community. Despite Rycon’s absence, there is no guarantee his request for challenge would have passed.

“The titles of Rhoan and Rhiannon are inherited, and it is rare for the leap to agree to allow the title to be assigned to someone who is not part of the blood line. If K’yen and I had cubs, they would be entitled to inherit the throne because I am Rhiannon. However, K’yen would have always been acting consort, until he beat Rycon in a community sanctioned K’alpa-Rhoan.”

She sighed. “I was just goading Rycon earlier about K’yen taking his title. It’s usually not that easy unless you’re stupid enough to officially acknowledge a threat yourself. A Rhoan can accept and eliminate a challenger without a community vote if they so choose. However, there is no going back. If you acknowledge the threat, you must beat them in a K’alpa-Rhoan, or your title is immediately forfeit.”

Kasha groaned and it was her turn to pinch the bridge of her nose in frustration.

“It really is too easy to get him all worked up.” She sighed. I nodded. Rhyalla shrugged.

“Guess tomorrow is going to be a big day. We’ll have a K’alpa-Rhoan at dawn then Yal'duun-kala in the evening. Assuming, of course, that Rycon doesn’t kill my mate before we can exchange bones.” Despite the lightness of her tone, I could tell she was upset.

“Does K’alpa-Rhoan always end in death?’ I asked softly. Looking at the strong K’yen and the vibrant Rycon, the loss of either of their lives seemed like it would be a waste.

“No. Either Rhoan or challenger can yield at any time. Though, it is up to the opponent whether or not they will accept a yield or kill the challenger. Historically, when a Rhoan is challenged it is by a true threat, usually from another leap.

“Takeovers like that can be violent. Conquerors will often kill the children of the leap to secure a new blood reign. In those cases, accepting a yield can be dangerous for the community. Death is the only safe option.” She eyed her brother warily, her mouth set in a firm line.

“However, Rycon is Rycon. There is a very good chance that if K’yen is not able to force him to yield, Rycon will kill him.”

Kasha let out a low whistle.

“You shifters really know how to bring the drama,” she grimaced. Rhyalla shrugged.

“Perhaps. However, Rycon tends to be a bit of a catalyst. Things have been relatively peaceful here for the past ten years. Trust my brother to show up on the second day of my Yal'duun-kala and try to kill my mate.” She looked, understandably, angry. I touched her arm.

“Let me try to talk to him,” I offered. “Maybe we can get him to call it off.”

She shook her head. “It is done. He cannot take it back now. Even if he wanted to.” She eyed her brother warily. I followed her line of sight and sighed again.

It looked like Rycon had no intentions of trying to get out of the challenge. The K’alpa-Rhoan would be happening, whether we liked it or not.

Amon and Dossidian approached empty handed, however they both seemed to be in a good mood. Amon was smiling roguishly as he stepped up to join us by the pyre. I was struck again by how ridiculously good looking he was.

“Hello, Raven,” he briefly touched a thumb to my chin in greeting. “What have you been up to?”

I smiled at him, before gesturing to Rycon and K’yen. “Rhyalla was showing me around. Until Rycon challenged K’yen to a K’alpa-Rhoan. They’re going to fight for the title of Rhoan tomorrow morning.” The smile fell from Amon’s face, and a muscle in his jaw twitched.

“Of course he did.”

“Well, nothing we can do about it now.” Rhyalla sighed. She turned to Amon and Dossidian. “I suppose you will be staying the night. I will set you all up with some sleeping arrangements.” She offered. “I will need to begin preparations soon for tonight's festivities.”

I wasn’t sure why I was surprised that the evening of celebrations would carry on as scheduled. Maybe it was my human upbringing, but the way shifters seemed to regard life and death situations with such callousness was foreign to me.

“That would be great,” Amon said, dipping his head politely. “Please, lead the way.”

Rhyalla took us back into the settlement. “We’re a little tight on space. We have several other guests staying with us for the Yal'duun-kala. I only have three rooms available. I am afraid you will need to partner up.

“That’s fine. Raven and I can bunk together,” Kasha said winking at me.

“No,” said Amon, “Raven will stay with me.” His tone did not leave room for argument. I glanced over at him, frowning.

“That is… presumptuous of you,” I remarked. Especially considering how snippy he had been with me that morning. I wasn’t sure I was feeling particularly interested in sleeping in the same room as him.

“We will sleep in separate beds if that is what you are worried about. I don’t feel comfortable leaving your safety in anyone else's hands overnight. I don’t need someone coming to slit your throat while you're sleeping.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, before I could argue, Kasha piped up.

“Who’s getting stuck with Rycon, then?” She asked. Dossidian sighed.
