Page 38 of The Dominion of Sin

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I put the cup to my lips and took a deep sip, smiling as the coffee slid down my throat.

“You put something else in this today.” I said with delight, and he smiled.

“Yes, I thought a pinch of vanilla would be nice.”

“Mmmm. You thought right.” After a few more sips, I finally noted the quality of light in the room.

“What time is it?” I asked. Amon smirked at me.


“You let me sleep past seven? What has gotten into you?” I teased, and he chuckled.

“You needed the sleep, you were up for over forty-eight hours.”

I nodded, still feeling like I could curl back up and go to sleep again. “What’s on the agenda for today?”

“I figured we would take it easy. You made a lot of progress with shadow walking. I thought if you were up to it, we could explore the town a little and then plant the sunflower seeds for Clair. We could also go to the library later and help the rest of the team research the flute and key.” My chest tightened at the thought of planting the sunflower seeds.

“That sounds nice,” I said. Amon smiled at me softly and tucked a piece of my hair back away behind my ear, in the tender way he had taken to doing.

“Great. Why don’t you get ready? I’ll meet you in the common room and we can go exploring.”

I was ready for a second coffee by the time I made it to the common room, but my heart sank a little at how empty it felt without Conrad and Meredith there. Amon at least, was waiting in the conversion pit with another cup of steaming coffee ready for me.

“Where is everyone?” I asked, sliding in the pit to grab a quick bite.

“They’re in the library. I told them we would meet them there in a bit.”

“Great,” I said. I had been wanting to see the library, especially if it was as magnificent as the rest of the palace. I snacked on some fruit and yogurt and finished my coffee before hopping out of the pit. “So where are we going?”

“I wanted to show you a bit of my court. We can plant the seeds in the palace gardens on the way back and meet the team for a late lunch. Come with me.”

I followed him out of the common room, and we made our way towards the West Wing, the same way Dossidian had taken me to train.

I wondered if we were headed for the training ring, but Amon stopped halfway across the long, vertigo inspiring bridge that made my legs feel like gelatin. He turned to me, a wicked smile on his face.

“Oh no,” I said, taking a step back. “Don’t look at me like that. Nothing good ever comes out of that look.”

“What do you mean, Raven?” He purred, stepping closer to me, his green eyes glinted with mischief. “From where I stand, only good things have ever come from this…look.”

I took another step back, adrenaline coursing through my veins. This bridge was so high, and there were no railings. It was a long way down. I was not comfortable screwing around next to an edge this high.

“Amon, do not fuck with me on this bridge.” My voice sounded high, even to me. His devilish smirk only grew, but thankfully, he took a step back.

“Suit yourself, it’s a long way down if you plan on taking the stairs.” He took another few steps back, until his heels were hanging off the edge of the bridge.

“Amon don’t -” I gasped, before he jumped, doing a perfect backflip off the bridge into a swan dive. I screamed, before remembering that he could fly. I got low to the ground and crawled, my entire body quivering. I peered over the edge of the bridge to see if I could spot him when I heard him chuckle behind me. I screamed again and whipped around. He had flown under the bridge to hover in the air on the other side, silver hair whipping in the wind.

‘Come on, Raven. Give it a try.” I shook my head furiously.

“No fucken way,” I snarled. My body was violently shaking at the thought of it. He made an exaggerated sad face but shrugged.

“I was going to take you to my favorite cafe in town. If you think the coffee here is good…”

“Amon, there is no amount of coffee that is going to convince me to leap from this bridge.”

He sighed and dropped back down, his feet touching the stone bridge lightly. “Come on, you pulled it off on the way back from The Eye. You made it look easy.” He pressed.
