Page 111 of The Dominion of Sin

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“Yeah,” I murmured back, though I felt worse than death.

“I don’t know what’s happening, but we’ll figure it out.” He told me. My shoulders shook and I choked back a sob. It was so close to what he had said the day he picked me up from school, after I had gotten into a fight with Neil Green. ‘I don’t understand why this keeps happening, but we will figure it out together, OK?”

“She took them,” A tear slid down my cheek, and my voice shook. “She took them and it’s my fault.” Jeremy pulled me into him and held me while I cried, rocking me slowly back and forth, until I had no more tears to give.

“We’ll get them back.” He promised me. The way he said it with such certainly, made me almost believe him.

Before I knew it, the sun began to peak over the horizon, and weak morning light spilled in through the mouth of the common room. Finally, Rycon groaned, and coughed. His yellow eyes blinking open. I let out a sigh of relief and threw myself on top of him, hugging him fiercely.

“You’re alive,” I gasped, squeezing him tighter. He froze for a moment before hugging me back.

“Yeah Kitten, I’m alive. You know it’s harder than that to kill me.”

I pulled back, and when our eyes met, the momentary relief I had felt melted away. We both had the same thought at the same moment. Rycon was alive, but what about Amon? What about Kasha? Our anger and rage fueled each other through the bond. I clenched my fists at my sides.

“Yes, you are alive, however, you very nearly died.” Meredith said, her voice serious. She looked exhausted. She quivered as she stood up. Dossidian rushed forward to help her into the pit, so she could sit down. “What happened to you? Many of your organs were so inflamed they were beginning to shut down.” She sounded thoroughly disturbed.

“They used The Flute to force him to change,” I thought back to that horrifying moment, trying to count the number of times I had seen him shift. “I think he changed back and forth between forms nearly seven times. It affected Kasha too. She… she didn’t wake up.” My voice cracked, and Rycon’s lips curled back in rage.

“Where is she? Where is Amon? Are they…” Dossidian’s voice was shaking, I snapped my head up to look at him.

“They’re alive. Ash Nevra has enslaved them and taken them with her. I don’t know where they are. We need to find them. We need to get them back.”

I could hear the desperation in my voice. The look on Amon’s face, when Ash Nevra rubbed her hands over him. What was she doing to him, right now? Was she hurting him? My power pulsed through my veins and the air around me grew hot.

“If they are enslaved, even if we bring them back, they will not be free.” Dossidian said gravely. I was shaking my head. I would not allow this. I would not allow this to happen.

“Then we will free them. Enough of this.” I stood up, my fists still clenched at my sides. Rycon stood with me, his own face tight.

“We know there is a way to sever the slavery bonds. Amon was able to do it before, with Bond-Breaker.” I touched my hand to my forehead, where Elvira’s circlet sat. “It was made of the same material as this.” I turned to face them.

“Fuck The Origin.” I snarled. “I will free them my fucking self.” I would not stand for it. Every second I wasted, was a second Amon was at the mercy of that evil bitch.

“How did this even happen?” Dossidian asked, “How did she know we would be there?”

“The widowmaker,” Rycon growled. “It was spying on us through the spiders, and somehow delivering that information to Ash Nevra.”

Dossidian let out a roar of frustration and threw his fist into the black face of the Obsidian fireplace. It cracked and crumbled beneath his punch, lacerating his knuckles. I understood his pain. I felt like a failure. I had promised I would kill Ash Nevra, and instead she had nearly murdered all of us. All because of that vile creature.

I snatched up my bloody discarded blades and turned on my heel.

“Where are you going?” Dossidian asked as I stormed past him. I paused looking back at my broken team, gripping the handles of my blades so tightly that my knuckles turned white.

“I told that thing if it threatened any of my people again I would put its head in a box.” I said, before turning away again. My voice was dangerously soft.

“I’m going to keep at least one of my promises today.”

No one spoke, but Rycon’s unslakable thirst for vengeance burned through the bond as he followed me out.

To be continued…
