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I was on my feet, already melting the snow and calling the cold water back to me.

Meeting her eyes across the ring, a shock of adrenaline ripped through me as I realized she was… laughing. She was always so closed off and difficult to read. The laughter made her look like an entirely different person.

It made me want to make her do it again.

I gave her a lopsided grin and a shrug. “See? Nah helpless.” I smirked. She nodded.

“I suppose not. That was clever, Obeah Man.” She stalked forward, dragging the tip of her rapier on the ground as she walked. “Let’s see what else you’ve got.” She was full blown smiling now, as if the prospect of coming against me again excited her.

I nodded, unable to keep myself from grinning back at her.

“Come get it, Nytara.” I drawled, falling back into the en garde stance Dossidian had taught me.

Her eyes flashed and her smile widened before she launched herself at me again. Our blades crashed together, lighting the night around us with icy sparks that competed with the stars.


Zayne took us to Greed’s Gauntlet. The towering golden gates were guarded by daemon’s in restructium suits. They opened before us the moment Zayne appeared before them. He gave a nod to the guards and gestured for us to enter.

The Gauntlet was what The Boulevard aspired to be, in terms of architecture and design. Sinner’s boulevard had felt as if someone had taken a run-down ghetto and polished it up with a cheap coat of paint. Trim had been added to brighten up buildings, and landscaping had been done to give The Boulevard an elevated feel. None of it had been enough to cover up the dark, sad energy that haunted the streets.

The Gauntlet, on the other hand, was the real deal. Everything was elegant, clean, and symmetrical. Homes were massive and boasted stately columns, intricate friezes, and ornate pediments. Every detail screamed wealth and status.

Everything was open air, and each estate seemed to have several private, blue, sparkling pools speckling the dry desert-like properties.

As we moved closer to the massive palace that sat in the center of The Gauntlet, we entered a commercial district of the inner city. Here, massive, opulent hotels lined the streets. They were interspersed with expensive restaurants that boasted large sprawling patios, and shopping centers that were filled with expensive looking clothing and jewelry.

This part of the city smelled of balmy coconut, gourmet meals, and fruity cocktails. This alone seemed to have Rycon feeling somewhat more calm. It was either that, or the fact that we seemed to have finally made some sort of break in our mission to save Kasha. I couldn’t imagine how horrible it had been for him to spend the past week on The Boulevard. Even I had been able to smell the underlying putrid scent of piss and stale sex. I couldn’t imagine what it had been like for someone who had such a strong sense of smell to spend so much time there.

Rycon was quiet for the walk to the palace. I watched him as he scanned our environment, his nostrils flaring. I didn’t need the bond to be open to understand that he was trying to catch Kasha’s scent. If I knew him at all, he wouldn’t wait for Zayne to give her to us. Now that we knew she was in The Gauntlet, Rycon would not rest until she was found, with or without Zayne’s help.

The palace was massive, and more or less open air. The Bone Prince led us past grand marble colonnades that supported a vast open courtyard. I tried not to openly gape at the plethora of exquisite statues and fountains that adorned every hallway, terrace, and garden.

Bursts of purple bougainvillea wrapped around the white columns, and olive trees thrived in large marble pots throughout the space. We had a clear view through the pillars of the entire city of Midasara in all directions.

I had to admit, it was breathtaking.

A guard dressed in restructium approached us and spoke to Zayne in hushed tones. The Bone Prince nodded, glancing back at us, before dismissing the guard.

“Vespara is waiting in the megaron.” His hazel eyes fell on Cerenah as he said it, that cruel smile curling on his lips. “Don’t fall in.”

I narrowed my eyes at the cryptic barb, glancing back at Cerenah. She held her head up and jutted her chin forward defiantly, refusing to show him that she was afraid. I was impressed with her bravery and reached back to squeeze her hand.

I couldn’t fathom what it must be like for her to come back here, after having served the monsters in this palace for so long.

‘What is he talking about?’ I asked Amon in my mind.

‘The megaron is the throne room. It is where Vespara greets all guests.’

I frowned ‘Why are you making it sound so ominous?’

‘All guests are greeted in the megaron, though not all guests survive it. You will see a large carving in the center of the floor. Do not step into it under any circumstance.’


‘You will die.’

I almost laughed out loud at the abruptness of the statement, but immediately sombered when I realized he was serious.
