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“Wi are Di Board!”

A series of “Aye’s!” Rang through the echoing boardroom.

“Our very mandate calls us to ‘maintain di balance!’”

“Aye!” The crowd enthusiastically agreed.

“Wi cherish peace, harmony, and di prosperous coexistence of species!” I smiled at them, raising my hands again to punctuate their agreement.

“War is di antithesis of tese things! War is chaos, death and destruction. Of course, we do nah want to engage in such tings if we nah have to.” The audience was excitedly chattering now. Many witches and wizards looked relieved. I heard a distinct ‘I knew Patricia’s grandson wouldn’t lead us astray.’ I hoped whoever had said that felt the same way by the time I was finished. I paused again, considering the gamble of my next words, before continuing. I dropped my tone to a softer, more serious timbre.

“War is all of dese tings, yes. But war, for our kind, is also something else. It is failure.” The audience gasped, but I powered forward.

“For magick folk, is di admission dat we have failed in our mission. Der is no balance, where der is war.” The crowd fell silent. The very air in the room felt heavy and thick. I continued, my voice soft and gentle, but still firm.

“It is only natural, dat we resist something dat goes against di very core of what wi stand for. It is difficult to admit dat we may have failed. Because dat is what we have done. We have failed. Wi have failed tuh see what has been going on, for ova three hundred years, across Di Veil. Ash Nevra did not just usurp Di Origin, and take his throne. She has enslaved di entire Dominion of Sin.

“Fah three hundred years, daemons have lived under di oppressive regime of a ruthless dictator. A dictator who has raped har own people and pillaged her own land. Now, with di return of Di Origin’s Daughter, di one true heir to di throne, we have a chance to right dis wrong, and bring true balance back.

“Queen Raven is not di usurper in dis story. Mi have spent many months in har company, as her guardian, but also, har friend. Mi have seen har heart, and har intentions are true.

“Even now, shi working to find a way to free di daemons dat Ash Nevra has enslaved, and ensure dat di same fate does not fall upon us and our peoples. Di power dat Ash Nevra wields with di slavery bonds, and di power of Di Flute, is too much fah any one being to hold. It is an abuse of power and a perversion of di natural way of magick.

“Allowing either of dese things to remain in the possession of a Queen who has already demonstrated such callous regard for di rights and freedoms of har own people cannot be tolerated.” I had them. I knew I did. They were hanging onto every single word, all I needed to do was drive it home.

“As mi say. No one wants to go looking fah reasons to go to war. But der are times when war come to us, and knock ‘pon our doors. It is in dese moments dat we must make a choice and di right choice is to fight. Di decision to wage war is nah born from aggression or malice, but our duty tuh protect what wi hold dear.

“Mark mi words, honorable members of Di Board, if we do not find a way to neutralize di power of Di Flute, and bring balance back across Di Veil, we risk everything. Wi risk our freedom, wi risk our way of life, wi risk our homes and di lives of our loved ones.

“So yes, Honorable members of Di Board. War is a dreadful choice, but it is a choice wi make when confronted with di reality dat inaction and appeasement can be fah more dangerous. When di darkness of oppression spread its tendrils, and innocent lives hang in di balance, we must find di strength to rise and defend what is right.

“So mi ask yuh to stand wit me. Allow me to use di archives to find a way to neutralize di threat of Di Flute. Once mi do, mi beg you. Stand with me for what is right. Stand wit me and fight for our freedom, and di freedom of our children. Fight with me, to bring back di balance… for where dere is slavery, der is no balance.”

The silence seemed to echo before me. Nobody spoke, as my words settled over the crowd. I found Mr. Abbey and met his gaze. He gave me a small smile, and a tip of his head. I resisted the urge to smile back. I didn’t want to take away from the solemn tone of my opening requisition, but his approval meant the world to me. If Mr. Abbey was proud, my grandmother would have been, too.

I gave The Board a small bow, before returning to my seat next to Dossidian, who gave me his own subtle nod of approval.

Had it worked? My whole body was buzzing with adrenaline. I glanced over at Trenton, who was staring at me with so much hatred in his eyes, I could nearly feel it burn across my skin.

This was not the same as the forgotten vote. It was not just my side that would be heard and considered. Trenton would have a chance to challenge me, and The Board would need to make a decision on whose course of action they wanted to move forward with.

Judging from the way Trenton was staring at me, he was not going to make this easy.

“Thank you, Honorable Conrad Brown.” Sofia said from where she sat between Trenton and I, on her raised podium. “I call Honorable Trenton Blackwood to present his opposing case.” She slammed down her gavel, and Trenton stood, straightening his suit jacket as he did so.

The way he looked at The Siren made my skin erupt with gooseflesh. I tried to meet her gaze, but she just raised a dark eyebrow at me, and regarded me with the same cold expression she wore the day she had stabbed me in the neck.

‘What, Obeah Man?’ I jumped at her cold voice, cutting through the balmy recesses of my mind. ‘Nervous?’

I narrowed my eyes at her.

‘Mi nah scared of Trenton Blackwood.’ I replied coolly, letting her see that I meant it. Her expression did not change, but she dragged her gaze from mine, to watch Trenton as he commanded the attention of the audience.

‘You should be.’ She replied darkly, before slamming the connection between our minds closed.


“Honorable Members of The Board,” Trenton began, and I forced myself not to scowl. He seemed to intentionally put emphasis on his All-American diction. As if his command over the common language made him an authority over me.
