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The twin moons of The Dominion were rising and casting a cool silver glow into the common room by the time I entered.

I was the last one to arrive, which I supposed made sense, considering the rest of the team likely didn’t have the opportunity to enjoy a quick metaphysical rendez-vous. My face flushed red at the thought and Rycon raised an eyebrow at my expression. I had blocked the bond again after my little meltdown in the training ring, but I was sure he could still smell the lingering arousal on me, which made me uncomfortable.

Thankfully, he didn’t say anything about it out loud. He just rolled his new dagger deftly between his fingers before hopping out of the pit.

“Finally. Let’s go.” He growled. I could tell he was losing his patience. He wanted to get to The Court of Greed to find Kasha as quickly as possible. I didn’t blame him. I felt the same.

Nodding, I stepped into the center of the room and gestured to Jeremy and Cerenah to gather around close.

“What’s happening?” Jeremy asked. He eyed my shadows warily as they peeled themselves off the ground and began to swirl around us.

“We’re going to shadow walk there.” I explained. “Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt. It’ll feel a little tingly, that’s all.”

“The shadows aren’t the only things making you feel all tingly today, are they, Kitten?” Rycon sniggered next to me and I shot him a glare that could have melted paint off a wall.

“Shut up, Rycon.” I snapped, grateful that Jeremy and Cerenah both just looked confused and bewildered at his comment. Rycon just laughed as my shadows enveloped us and whisked us across The Veil to the Abbey house.

Unlike The Court of Pride, Toronto’s cool evening air was a chaotic blend of competing scents. The soft, summery scents of the meager greenery cultivated in the outer rim of the city mingled with the sharp tang of exhaust and less pleasant odors.

We manifested in front of the little waist high wrought iron gate that led the way to the Abbey house. The little fence that wrapped around the front yard also marked where the magickal wards began. Most magick folk warded their homes against daemons, and the Abbey’s were no exception. I was permitted to enter as I was a frequent visitor of this home, but I needed to summon Conrad to come out and let Cerenah in.

Conrad loped out to meet us, and frowned as soon as his gaze fell on my bruised face. The bruise was almost nearly completely healed, thanks to my bond with Rycon, but there was still a slight shadow haloing my right eye

“Wha’ happen?” Conrad asked as he approached, and I sighed.

“It’s a long story, I’ll tell you when we get inside. I have a present for you though.” I said, showing him the shadowstone rapier. His eyes widened and he took the sword from me, eyeing it carefully.

“Mi nuh know how to use a sword like dis.” He told me, and I shrugged.

“Not yet,” I said, winking at him. “I’m sure Dossidian will be willing to teach you.” He grinned at me, nodding.

“Yuh right.” He agreed, before gesturing for us to follow him up to the house.

Both Jeremy and Cerenah seemed enthralled by Meredith’s garden, which sprawled from the boundary marked by the gate all the way up to the front porch. The garden didn’t appear to be manicured or organized. Plants grew alongside each other in a way that was natural and organic. There were herbs of every variety intermixed with vegetables, gourds, and flowers. There were even some citrus trees, which were not native to Canada and should not have thrived out in the open the way they were, considering Ontario’s chilly climate.

“This reminds me of Clair’s garden,” Jeremy murmured next to me. His voice was soft and there was a heavy undercurrent of sadness, as we passed a fat pumpkin with green vines that seemed to wave at us as we walked past. I nodded.

“Clair was a green witch too. Her and Meredith had similar magick.” I explained to him. He nodded, his face pensive, as if he were filing away this new fact about his deceased wife.

“Are you guys ready to go?” I asked Conrad as he led us into the house. I was starting to feel anxious to get going as well. He nodded as he opened the front door, gesturing for the rest of us to enter.

“Yeah, wi ready.” He pursed his lips and frowned. “Sofia nuh too good right now. Wi have some updates for yuh before wi go.”

I sighed as I stepped over the threshold, greeting the house politely with my aura as I entered. Of course she was. Sofia was… difficult. I just hoped Conrad would be able to win her over again, as he had when we had petitioned her to allow us a forgotten vote to secure The Lens.

Jeremy jumped and looked shocked as the house’s aura poked and prodded at him curiously. He turned to me, wide eyed.

“What is that?” He asked, looking around to see if he could discover the source of the sensation. I couldn’t help but smile. I had felt similarly when I had first met the Abbey house.

“It’s the house,” I explained, “it’s just saying hello.” Jeremy did not look thrilled and glanced around at the walls as if they might close in on him at any moment.

“Just tell it to fuck off,” Rycon smirked at Jeremy as he ambled past, brushing by me to follow Conrad into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes.

“You would be better to say hello, and thanks for having us.” I explained, and Cerenah smiled up at the ceiling warmly.

“I have heard that some witches have sentient homes. I have never had the pleasure of visiting one though. Hello, house. You have a very nice foyer.” The floors creaked beneath my feet and I had the distinct impression that the house was preening under the compliment.

Jeremy appeared to be thoroughly disturbed and shoved his hands in his pockets, hurrying forward towards the kitchen. Cerenah and I laughed quietly behind our hands as he nodded gruffly at the wall on his way by.
