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The rush of power came in less time than it took to blink. I allowed the raw energy to flow down my arms and pool into my palms, before pointing both hands at the rock above me. Then I just… let go.

The dark beam smashed into the stone with enough force that I needed to brace against it. I fed it more and more magick, screaming with effort as the floodgates ripped wider and wider. I grit my teeth against my own power, and tried to focus on ensuring I maintained control. My eyes bled black as the dark beam drove deeper and deeper. The rock heated and began to melt, raining down around me in viscous glowing red drops.

Amon wasn’t here to ground me, I needed to do it myself, but the power felt so good, it was a challenge. Letting go like this felt like a drug. It rolled through my veins as it exited my body, throwing my nerve endings into a state of ecstasy. It felt amazing.

To destroy.

To tear a hole into the world and leave my mark.

I had been through so much abuse and suffered so much loss. It would be so easy to just let all of that spill out of me and just burn and burn and burn until there was nothing left. Suddenly, the memory of Amon’s words slipped through the grief, and the pain.

‘We will be back together soon.’ He had said. ‘Do not lose faith.’

My relentless quasar blasted through the last of the rock, shooting free to the other side and skittering into the sky beyond. My screams grew hoarse as I struggled to stop, to close the metaphysical gate on the torrential rush of power that I had unleashed. My daemon prowled deep into my chest, lending me its strength, and together, we siphoned off the energy and closed the gate.

My eyes returned to normal and I came back to myself, gasping for breath. The only evidence of how close I had come to losing complete control was the gaping hole in the cave above me, and the hot sting in my palms. I gazed up at the clear path to the outside world, Frira’s dragonflies darted around me in what felt like a silent goodbye, before diving back into the dark tunnel they led them back to the fire Titan.

Silently thanking them as they left, I allowed myself to shudder. I had just blown a hole through nearly a hundred kilometers of rock. I didn’t want to think about how good it had felt and how close I had been to completely losing control of my own power.

“Well. At least I didn’t melt the planet.” I gasped out loud to myself, choosing to ignore the fact that I had very nearly done just that.

I was shaking. Not from the effort of what I had just done. That had been easy. I was shaking with fear, I realized. Fear of myself and what I might do, if I ever did truly lose control.

In no time, I had darted to the barrier of The Eye’s magick with Amon’s sword in hand and my collection of shadowstone in tow. From the position of the sun in the sky, I realized it was now early morning, which meant I had been gone all night.


Jeremy was going to be pissed.

The bond I had with Rycon roared back to life as I moved outside of the boundary of The Eye’s magick and I tugged on it, to let him know I was alright. There was no answer, and I determined that he was sleeping. I frowned.

He was out cold.

I wondered if he had drunk himself to sleep. It seemed like something he would do with the palace more or less to himself. Deciding Rycon’s shitty choices were the least of my concerns, I resolved to let him sleep it off and pinched the bond closed before shadow walking back to court.

I rematerialized in front of The Restructium Shoppe, and cursed when I realized it wasn’t open yet. I was about to leave, deciding I would check back in a few hours when I heard someone call out to me.

“Your Highness?” I almost looked around for a moment to see who they were talking to before I realized it was me.

Right. I was the Queen. I kept forgetting.

Turning around, I found Sabel, her arms filled with wooden crates that had ‘restructium’ stamped across them in big bold letters. She smiled at me, cocking her head to the side quizzically. “What are you doing here so early?” Her eyes fell to the chunks of shadowstone that merrily orbited me, and her smile turned to a thoughtful frown.

“Sabel,” I breathe out in relief. “I need to talk to you and Kael. Can we go inside? I know you’re not open yet…” The words tumbled out of my mouth in a rush, and she nodded.

“Of course, my Queen, just let me get my keys,” she struggled to balance the boxes of restructium in one hand to retrieve her keys and I rushed forward to take them from her.

“Here, let me get those.” I said, being careful to point Bond Breaker’s blade away from her as I took the boxes. “And just Raven, is fine.” I assured her, realizing she looked nervous and uncomfortable with the fact that I was helping her with the boxes. Before she could protest, I took them from her and backed away, giving her space to unlock the door and let us in.

The shop was just as posh as I remembered, and I could smell the fire from the forge I knew Kael used to create restructium armor and weapons in the back. I had clearly interrupted their opening routine.

“Over here your Highn - Raven.”

Sabel caught herself halfway through the title at my amused expression. “You can just put the boxes on the counter, Kael will come out to grab them in a bit.” I did as she said, dropping them next to the order ledger at the counter up front.

“What can I do for you?” She asked, unable to keep the curiosity from her voice, as she eyed the little shadowstone meteors that continued to lazily circle me.

“Maybe you should sit down,” I said, meeting her crisp blue gaze. “Can we get Kael in here too? I have quite a bit to tell you and almost none of it is pleasant or good.” I winced as she nervously ran her hand through her dark hair, her delicate wrist tattoo peeking out from under the black sleeve of her top. I was dreading telling her that Amon had been captured, and that we were on the brink of war. What a way to ruin the start to someone’s day.
