Page 287 of The Queen’s Shadow

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‘No. You made me come out here, this is what I need to feel comfortable.’

‘You can keep an arm around me, how is that for a compromise?’

He hesitated, but I could already feel his resolve weakening.


I let out a sigh of relief as I slid off his lap onto the stone bench next to him. He curled an arm around my waist and pressed me as close to his side as he could manage. His shadows curled around us relentlessly and his green eyes met Jeremy’s. They stared each other down and I swallowed.

This was… not what I wanted for the two of them.

Rycon was looking back and forth between Jeremy and Amon like he wished he had a bowl of popcorn. Nytara’s eyes were wide and Kasha looked like she was trying not to laugh. It was Conrad who came to my rescue. He cleared his throat loudly, giving Amon his best lopsided grin.

“Hey, wha gwaan? Yuh doin’ okay, Prince Amon?”

Amon moved his cool gaze from Jeremy to settle on Conrad. He didn’t respond, and Conrad’s smile faltered a bit.

“We’re doing okay.” I answered on behalf of Amon. “It’s just going to take some time to get back into the swing of things.” I said, trying to sound casual. “What have you all been up to while we were… uh, catching up?”

I was feeling so awkward my skin was crawling. It didn’t help when Amon started gently rubbing his thumb against my hip.

“Wi sent word tuh Dossidian and Meredith tuh let dem know what happen. Di entire Dominion is in a state of shock and celebration. Wi do have some strange news though.”

Nytara glanced at Conrad, pursing her lips, before meeting my gaze.

“Prince Caspian has not returned to Envy, and no one has heard from Prince Alderic of Gluttony. Furthermore, with Ash Nevra dead, her successor as monarch for The Court of Lust should have been chosen by the land, but no one has come forward to claim Ash Nevra’s seat.”

Amon tensed beside me at this news, pressing me tighter against him. I could tell he was doing his best not to pull me directly into his lap again.

“What does all that mean?” I asked.

“Nothing good.” Amon deadpanned, speaking out loud for the first time since we arrived. Everyone looked at him anxiously.

“I saw Kieran take that weird stone and a bunch of magick folk with him after Ash Nevra died.” Rycon said, looking pensive. “That fucker was looking way too pleased with himself. Also, shouldn’t he be dead? He was her bonded.”

Amon growled next to me and Jeremy raised an eyebrow at him, looking alarmed that the male that had chained me to his side was exhibiting such aggressive behavior.

“He’s been running experiments on the soulforge for weeks. I think he has figured out how to trap daemon souls in it and use their power for his own devices. He told me that he had charmed it to act as a vacuum and wanted to trap either Raven or myself in it when one of us died.” Amon said darkly.

“Is it possible that Ash Nevra is now trapped in the crystal? It would explain why he hasn’t died and a successor hasn’t been named for Lust.”

Kasha looked concerned. “It would also explain why Gluttony and Envy have not joined in the celebrations. Do you think they’re working with Kieran?”

Everyone fell silent, and Amon’s shadows twisted closer to me.

My friends all looked worried, but I just felt annoyed that my short two days of peace seemed to have already been interrupted.

I had Amon back, and Kasha was safe. We were all together. With my mate pressed close against me and all my loved ones accounted for, I felt like I could think clearly for the first time in weeks. I didn’t even feel angry. I felt optimistic.

“If Kieran is planning something, I’ll fucking kill his ass too.” I said, rolling my eyes. Rycon let out a bark of laughter and moved to fist bump me, but Amon glared at him, using his shadows to push the panther shifter away.

“Amon, relax. He’s my bonded. He’s not a threat.” I said, looking up at my mate with a frown. He didn’t answer. He just stared at Rycon with that endless, angry stare he seemed to have perfected in captivity.

Rycon shrugged and held up his hands. “Hey man, I get it. Took me a while to be cool with Kasha being around other males too.”

“It’s true.” Kasha quipped in agreement. “He was insufferable.”
