Page 256 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“I can feel you clenching, Kasha. Fucking come for me. Let me watch you.” He urged, tilting his hips slightly so he could more firmly hit that spot that made my whole body feel so good.

“Rycon, fuck, I’m there…I’m going to…” I gasped and he growled in approval.

“Show me, Kasha.” He ordered, brushing his thumb against my clit as he said it. That tiny touch was the final straw. I screamed as I came apart around him, wetness squirted from me, painting his ripped abdomen with my arousal. He roared, chasing my release with his own.

I ground myself against him as I rode out the orgasm. It seemed to last forever. I had the strangest sensation that I was falling, and for the first time in my life, I knew there was someone waiting to catch me.

Rycon’s movements slowed as he spilled himself into me. After a few final pumps, he finally relaxed and ripped the vines off the tree in a few easy swipes of his hand.

He pulled me down on top of him, rolling onto his back as he deftly undid the restraints on my wrists. I fell forward on his chest and he caught my lips in his. He pressed his tongue into my mouth, kissing me deeply as he held me against him.

“You’re so pretty, when you come.” He murmured into my ear before dropping more kisses down my neck, christening each of his marks with a gentle touch of his lips. “I’m going to make you do that every fucking day.” He promised and I let out a shaky laugh, nuzzling deeper into his embrace.

“You better.” I challenged, and he let loose a dark laugh.

“Believe me, Kasha. I’m going to give you so many orgasms you’re going to forget how to walk.” Then, before I knew what was happening, he was on his feet. He pulled his jeans on, and kicked on both his boots before scooping me up off the forest floor.

“Let’s go home.” He purred, kissing me one last time, before shooting us back to Olkuyrbe, picking up the rest of our discarded belongings as he ran.


‘Alexa, play I found by Amber Run.’

Ihadn’t let Kasha put her suit back on. I wanted her naked for as long as possible. I did, however, drop her flower crown back on her head, where it fucking belonged. It was a little disheveled and worse for wear, but it was still good. Just like the both of us, I guess.

“Rhiannon.” I purred, smiling down at her in my arms, admiring the way the white orchids contrasted with her blue hair. She grinned at me and nodded.

“Do I have to fight Rhyalla for it?” She asked and I barked out a laugh and shook my head.

“She’s agreed to step down willingly.” I explained. “She never wanted to be Rhiannon. Her and K’yen will act as our council, and make sure shit runs smoothly when we can’t be here. We’ll have to have a community vote to make it official, but considering I’ll kill anyone who votes against you, I’m not too worried about it.”

She frowned. “That’s fucked up Rycon. You can’t threaten to kill your people to vote in your favor, that’s not how democracy works.”

I shrugged. “I don’t really give a fuck.” I would always kill anyone who was against her. Forever. She might as well get used to it now.

I shot through the community so quickly, no one would have been able to see us. I wanted her naked, yes, but she was mine. I would never allow another living soul to see her naked again.

The moment we were back in Rhoan house I took her to the bathroom and put her down, before turning on the shower. I sat her on the toilet, getting on my knees before her.

Removing her crown, I tugged the little elastics out of her hair and massaged out her braids while I waited for the water to heat up.

“Where’s your hair brush?” I asked and she gestured to the vanity next to her. I found it in the top drawer and gently went to work brushing out the tangles that had formed from our vicious romp in the jungle.

“You don’t have to do all this, Rycon. I can take care of it.” She said quietly, and I shook my head.

“I know you can, Kasha, but I want to do it. Let me take care of you.” I met her gaze and let her see how much it meant to me, and how much I wanted to do it. Finally she nodded, and I scooped her up, putting her in the shower. I stripped off my jeans and got in with her.

She was covered in scrapes and scratches from running through the brush. The gash down the side of her face from where Anaya had cut her was caked with dirt and mottled with dried blood.

I stomped back the rage that bubbled in my chest at the sight of it. I wouldn’t let Anaya ruin this moment for us, but she would fucking pay for that later.

Wetting a cloth and lathering it up with soap I went to work; meticulously cleaning all her cuts and scrapes. I kissed each one as I went, and when I was done, she was staring at me with an expression I didn’t understand.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, frowning. Her lip trembled and her large eyes were filled with tears again. “Kasha, tell me what’s wrong.” I demanded, panic welling through me. I touched her face, wondering if I had somehow hurt her.

“Nothing,” she whispered. “It’s just… no one has ever… no one has ever really taken care of me like this before…”

Her voice cracked and so did my heart. I pulled her into me and kissed the side of her head that wasn’t wounded.
