Page 253 of The Queen’s Shadow

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I gaped at him, all I had on under the armor was a thong and a bra.

“Rycon, thats -”

“Two,” he continued as if he hadn’t heard me. “If I catch you, I get to do anything I fucking want to you. But, if it gets to be too much, you will have one safe word that you can use to stop whatever is happening. Only that safe word will make me stop. I will not be responding to words like, no, please and don’t. Do you understand?”

“It’s not like you responded to any of those words just now either so I don’t see how - “

“Three, if the safe word is used, we’re done for the night. I will take you back home and I will clean you up and we will go to bed together. We will wake up together. And you will need to talk to me about how the game made you feel and let me take care of you. Understood?”

My heart was pounding in my chest. I didn’t know what the hell was wrong with me but I wanted to play this game. I wanted to play it so badly. The thought of him chasing me, and actually being able to fight back felt… It felt like I was being given a chance to rewrite history.

‘He’s a panther, he needs to hunt, are you going to let him hunt you? Or are you too scared?’ Anaya’s words rang back through my head. Looking up at Rycon, I could see his anticipation. He wanted to play this game too. He needed me to do this with him.

Finally, I nodded. He cupped the side of my cheek tenderly, and gave me that strange look that he had been giving me more and more frequently. I couldn’t believe it had taken me this long to realize that the look in his eyes was so foreign and strange, because he was looking at me like he loved me.

No one had ever bothered to love me before.

“I’m happy to take the blame for a lot of things, Kasha, but being responsible for hurting you, or adding to your trauma isn’t something I’m willing to do. You have to promise me that the second you want me to stop, you’ll use the safe word.”

“I promise.” I whispered, unnerved by how seriously he was taking this. He nodded.

“Good. What do you want it to be?” He asked, and I thought about it. I wanted it to mean something. This felt like an important moment in time, and I wanted the word that was supposed to represent my safety, to be something significant.

Playing this game with Rycon felt like a reclaiming of sorts. Like I was taking back what had been stolen from me. What had happened to me was so closely tied to my powers, and the fact that I was a chameleon. My ability to change my appearance to indulge male fantasies had haunted me my whole life. I felt like now, instead of resenting that part of myself, I might try to embrace it. I had missed my powers when they were gone. I wouldn’t allow myself to resent such a big part of who I was. Not anymore.

“Chameleon.” I said softly, and he smiled, rubbing a thumb gently over my lips.

“Perfect.” He whispered, giving me a soft, and gentle kiss on the mouth. He tasted like home.

“Now, take this off,” he said, pulling away and tugging on the neck of my restructium suit.

He gave me one of the darkest smiles I had ever seen, before getting off of me and allowing me to get up.

He stared, as I reached behind me, undoing the mechanism that triggered the armor to peel itself off my body. He watched it pool around my ankles, and a muscle in his jaw twitched as his eyes devoured me.

He growled, and his pupils grew large. He met my eyes, and let me see how hungry he was, before giving me one last smirk.

“Good. Now run, Kasha. You better not let me catch you.” He rumbled, and I took off into the trees, feeling his eyes following me the entire way.


‘Alexa, play Sugar by Sleep Token.’

Iwas practically soaring through the jungle. Though I wasn’t gifted with the ability to fly like Amon and Raven, I might as well have been, with how fast I was running. Having my powers back after living for so long without them felt like I had been shot with a syringe full of adrenaline.

If I hadn’t been trying to escape the most deadly panther shifter I had ever met, I might have whooped with joy. As it was, I needed to be damn near silent and clever if I was going to win this game.

I didn’t think he would be stupid enough to follow the fake scent trail again, so I didn’t bother. Instead, I wrapped myself up in a shield and tried to hide my scent altogether.

The shield also protected me from branches as I ran through the jungle, preventing my now bare feet from being cut up by the rough forest floor. Considering I didn’t have my armor anymore, it was a welcome extra layer of protection.

After what felt like an hour, I was sure I had lost him. I stumbled into another clearing, my chest heaving with both the excitement of being chased, and the exertion of running for so long.

I leaned against a tree, gasping, and waiting. After several beats of silence, I grinned.

Ha. Lost him.

“What are you smiling about, Kasha?”
