Page 227 of The Queen’s Shadow

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Balveria paused before the doors, turning to look up at me with a determined, albeit sad look on her face.

“Your magick is very similar to Sirroah’s, Meredith. Dossidian’s power is hostile, hot and hungry. It burns through green magicks like a wildfire burns through the woods. He avoids you, because he is worried he will hurt you. If he is worried that he will hurt you, it is because he feels he may lose control around you.”

I felt like the air had been sucked from my lungs. Everything suddenly made sense. The way his magick always burned so hungrily against mine. The way he always felt hot and cold, like he wanted me one second then couldn’t bear to be near me the next. He was worried history would repeat itself, but instead of his sister, it would be my death on his hands.

Balveria opened the red doors before us, unveiling the largest, most breathtaking library I had ever seen. I realized we must be in the heart of the large white pyramid, from the way the ceiling tapered to a point. Books lined every wall and surface, spanning multiple levels both above and below. It was larger than what the archives for the magick folk had been and I knew I could spend weeks walking through the stacks and never pass the same book twice. The floor was covered in what I was beginning to understand was The Court of Wrath signature red carpet, and the few spaces on the walls that were not occupied by books or bookshelves were gilded in gold.

I rested my hand on the railing to the twin staircases that led down to the main floor where there was a desk manned by three daemons, whom I assumed were either the prophets or the bibliomancers Balveria had previously mentioned. The princess turned to me, her dark eyes full of hope.

“Dossidian has spent his entire life since Sirroah’s death avoiding love, for fear that he might hurt the person he considers unlucky enough to be the subject of his affections.”

My heart cracked in my chest, both for the hurting mother before me and for the daemon who I knew deserved love more than any male I had ever met before.

“A life without love is no life at all. I want more for my son.” Balveria said, reaching out to rest her hand on my arm. “If there is anyone who could find a way to make it so he could wield his magick without the fear of losing control, I imagine it would be a UMED graduate with uninhibited access to the great House of Knowledge.” She gestured to the massive space filled with centuries of archived wisdom, ripe and ready to be pillaged.

“I understand that you came here with a very important mission, and I by no means wish to deter you from your task. However, if there is any way that you could find it in your heart to perhaps also search for a way to help my son while you are here, I would be eternally indebted to you, Meredith Abbey.”

I would have agreed to help this daemon even if I didn’t already feel like she had given me a gift by sharing her story with me.

Understanding now the reason for Dossidian’s behaviour alleviated so much of the self-doubt I had been accumulating over the past several weeks. The only remaining question I had was; why hadn’t he felt he could tell me? I wanted to be a safe space for him, someone he could come to if he needed a shoulder to lean on. He was one of the strongest people I had ever met, but even mountains would crumble if the foundation they were built upon were torn from beneath them.

I would make sure this mountain didn’t fall.

“Of course I will help, Princess Balveria.” I breathed, and she gave me a smile that lit up the room.

“I am so very glad that we met, Meredith Abbey.” She said, patting my arm fondly as she led me deeper into the House of Knowledge.


“Hey Mei Lin,” Aiden smirked. He had his cigarette pinched between his thumb and index finger, his mismatched eyes tracking the tigress as she approached.

Mei Lin’s dark eyes flitted toward him, and she gave him a calculated once over, before tossing her long, dark violet hair over her shoulder. She was dressed head to toe in black leather, and there were tiger stripes tattooed on every inch of visible flesh from the neck down. She had a Miaodao strapped across her back and just by the way she moved I could tell she knew how to use it. She ignored Aiden and turned her attention to Rycon and I.

“Rhoan Rycon, congratulations on your recent re-claiming.” She said evenly, and her lip tilted up at the corner before she turned her attention to me. She waited expectantly for Rycon to introduce us, and I followed her lead.

“This is Kasha, she’ll be helping me lead the discussion tomorrow.” Rycon said, and I did my best to act like that wasn’t news to me.

Mei Lin’s gaze dropped to the mark on my neck and her nostrils flared. She cocked her head to the side, before reaching out a hand for me to shake. I took it gingerly and offered her a genuine smile.

“Hi, it’s so great to meet you. I’ve never met a tiger shifter before.” I greeted her.

“Pleasure to meet you as well, Kasha.” She said, Her eyes darted between Rycon and I, that small smile playing on her lips knowingly. I frowned. She was difficult to read, but she seemed to see more than she let on. “I look forward to the meeting tomorrow.” She said, before turning away.

“Mei Lin, wait.” Aiden called after her. She didn’t stop or look back, and he had to jog to catch up to her. I watched them go, cocking my head to the side.

“She’s kind of scary.” I murmured and Koda snorted as Rhyalla appeared with drinks for everyone.

“Mei Lin is a badass.” Rhyalla affirmed. “Tiger shifters are rare, and there aren’t many of them, but Mei Lin is definitely a prime example of why you don’t want to fuck with one if your paths ever cross.”

Koda nodded in agreement, taking his drink from Rhyalla gratefully. Rhyalla offered one to me, but I shook my head. I didn’t want to drink with this many strangers around and no access to my powers. I wanted to keep my wits about me. To my surprise, Rycon turned down his drink too.

“Who else is coming tonight?” I asked, jumping slightly as Rycon slid a hand around my waist and pulled me against his side. He pressed a kiss firmly into my temple and I frowned up at him.

“Rycon, people are going to think we’re together if you keep pawing at me in public.” I chided and he smirked.

“That’s the idea.” He said and I laughed, pushing him off.

“Are you sure you haven’t had anything to drink yet?”
