Page 204 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“What did you say to me?” Dossidian roared. I exchanged a look with Balthion who looked just as confused by the ongoing altercation as I was.

Darianth glanced at Balthion and he seemed to take in the confused look on his face before forcing himself to step out of his offensive stance. He turned the full force of his gaze on the still fuming Dossidian and snarled.

“Not here.” He snapped, and Dossidian seemed to also sober at his words, sending a furtive glance of his own at Balthion.

“Swear you will keep your powers contained while you are within harming distance of my party.” Dossidian demanded and Darianth narrowed his eyes on his brother.

Cho! These two nuh see eye to eye.

“You have no power here, Dossidian. You forfeited your right to make demands when you left.”

“Swear it or I will kill you now, and we will see who has the power here, Darianth.” Dossidian threatened, his voice so strong the glass beneath my feet rumbled.

“Come on, Darianth, why are you being such a dick? He’s obviously into that cute little witch over there, just promise you won’t hurt her and let’s head back. You know how excited mother is to see him.” Balthion said with a good-natured grin.

Darianth looked like he was going to argue further, but Balthion clapped him over the shoulder and held his hand out to Dossidian.

“I swear on The Origin that I will not use my powers anywhere near your friends.” He said, and Dossidian finally seemed to come back to himself a bit. He shook Balthion’s hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched up as they squeezed.

“I swear no harm will come to your party while you are here.” Darianth grumbled, reluctantly shaking Dossidian’s hand in the same manner.

Mi will neva undastand di way a di daemon folk.

I shook my head, grinning. I couldn’t believe this was how the people of Wrath greeted each other. A violent attack and then an oath not to harm one another’s loved ones. What a brutal way to live.

“Come on, Dossidian! Introduce us to your friends! Where’s Prince Amon and Kasha?” Balthion asked excitedly, and Dossidian’s face darkened again.

“I have much to tell you.” He said, and Balthion frowned at his tone, his smile slipping slightly. The large friendly daemon glanced at me, frowning. “Is everything alright?” He asked and I shook my head.

“Hey man, mi Conrad, nice tuh meet yuh.” I reached out to shake the daemon’s hand, and he gave me a welcoming grin. “We been out here fi days. Anyway, yuh waah show us di way to Fury Point? Wi can update yuh and yuh brotha on di way.”

Balthion nodded, his smile returning.

“Of course! Yeah, we were watching you guys in the orb for a while. Father wanted to see if you would figure it out on your own.”

My eye twitched.

“Yuh knew we were out here tryna find yuh?” I asked. To rawtid, I hoped no one told Raven that, or these two would be vaporized faster than you could say quasar.

“Yeah! Father thought it was hilarious.”

Dossidian pursed his lips.

“Don’t tell the Queen that.” He muttered, and Balthion frowned in confusion.

“Why would we ever tell Ash Nevra that?” He asked, and it was Dossidian’s turn to grin.

“I wasn’t talking about Ash Nevra.” He said, turning and gesturing to where Raven still hovered, shielding Meredith and Jeremy. “I was referring to The Origin’s Daughter, Raven. The one true Queen of The Dominion of Sin.”

Even Darianth’s jaw dropped at Dossidian’s words. Balthion looked as if someone had told him all his wildest dreams had just come true.

“Dossidian! He explained, his eyes as wide as saucers. “Is that… really her?”

Dossidian nodded.

“Aye. It is her.”

“Why is she here?” Darianth asked suspiciously. Dossidian turned to look at his brothers, his eyes shining.
