Page 200 of The Queen’s Shadow

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I froze.

Silence stretched out around me and suddenly, the lightness that I had felt after spending an evening with Rycon’s family friend melted away. I felt anxiety creep back into my chest and my breath caught in my lungs. I stopped my search and dropped down in front of the record player, desperate to get the music back on. I needed noise, I needed something to fill my head other than the memories of thick, vicious whispers that spilled from poisoned lips.

I flipped through the stack of vinyl next to the player, not recognizing any of the music from this world. I stopped when I came across a cover with a large smiling man named Israel Kamakawiwo?ole.

With a smile like that, I couldn’t imagine that any music this man created could be anything other than lovely.

I switched out the records and turned the crank to power it up and let out an exhale, as the sound of a ukulele swelled through the room.

Standing up, I closed my eyes, swaying softly to the gentle melody, and allowed the music to loosen the tight fist of anxiety that had suddenly gripped my heart.

‘Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high…’

The lyrics floated around me, and I sighed, the tension easing from my shoulders.

I was enthralled by the gentle song, totally enraptured by the lyrics. I had never heard music like this before. In The Dominion, music was often a form of storytelling; a way to recount historical events. I had never heard a song that seemed to be made with the simple purpose of making the listener feel something.

I let the music wash over me and for a moment, I totally forgot where I was. My pain melted away, my heart rate slowed down, and for the first time since I had been captured, I felt like I could breathe again.

I jumped suddenly, as warm hands slid around my waist from behind. My eyes flew open, and Rycon’s rainforest scent wrapped around me. He gently pulled my hips back into his and he rested his chin on my shoulder.

“What sort of trouble have you been getting into, Kasha?” He asked softly, his breath caressing the side of my neck, making my toes curl into the soft rug beneath our feet. He brushed his thumbs lightly over my hip bones, as he seamlessly fell into the sway of the melody, guiding my body against his in an achingly slow, easy rhythm.

I let myself lean back into his hard chest, dropping my head back against his shoulder as he held me. My heart rate sped up again, but not because I was anxious.

I felt safe, I realized, as Rycon wrapped his arms more firmly around me. He brushed his lips up the side of my neck. It wasn’t quite a kiss, more of a caress. I felt him inhale, pressing the tip of his nose beneath my ear, as if I were wearing some kind of perfume that he couldn’t seem to get enough of.

“I never said thank you.” I whispered, suddenly needing to tell him how grateful I was, that he had come for me.

“For what?” He asked, his lips moved against the delicate skin of my throat with every syllable.

“For finding me.” My voice was so quiet, I didn’t even think the statement could have been classified as a whisper. He paused his gentle sway and pulled back. For a moment I wondered if I had upset him, but he only turned me to face him, and guided my arms up to rest on his shoulders.

With one arm draped around the small of my back, he used the other one to cup my face, tilting my head back. He used his thumb to brush away a tear that I hadn’t even felt fall.

“I already told you, Kasha. I’ll always find you. Even if you don’t want me to. There’s no need to thank me.”

He was looking at me so intently, as if he were trying to tell me something without saying anything at all. I couldn’t make out his silent message, but I did believe him. I didn’t know why, but somewhere deep in my core, I felt the truth of his words. He would always find me. He would always come for me. He had already proven that he would, and I trusted that he would again, and again, if he had to.

After a long moment that felt frozen in time, he dropped his hand back to join the other on my waist and leaned in close to my ear. I held my breath, wondering if he was going to finally tell me whatever it was, he had clearly been holding back.

“But Kasha…”

“Yes?” I breathed.

“You’ll never find Alley Cat. No matter how hard you try.”

A surprised laugh exploded from me as he pulled back, grinning at me mischievously. I glanced around us, taking in the mess I had made of the living room in my search for the elusive plushie. He knew I had been looking for it, and this new game made me feel a rush of excitement and joy. Something I hadn’t expected to feel again so soon.

The beautiful song came to an end, and Rycon’s gentle movements slowed to a stop. He reached up, gently tugging on a lock of my hair before stepping away and tilting his head toward the hall that led to my room.

“Let’s get you to bed. If you’re up to it tomorrow, I’ll need someone to keep Koda company while I train the K’aalpa-kah.”

I nodded, trying not to frown at how much I missed the comforting press of his palms against the small of my back. Glancing around at the mess I had made; I bit my lip.

“I should really clean this up first.” I said, and he brushed a hand against my face again, this time to pull my lip out from between my teeth. His mouth hooked up at the corner and he shook his head.

“I’ll take care of it, Kasha.” He said, before gently pulling me away toward my room.
