Page 110 of The Queen’s Shadow

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He reached towards me and ran his fingers gently over my collar bone. His touch sent chills through me, and I reflexively tried to take a step away from him.

“Don’t fight it, Cerenah. It’ll only make it worse.” He said, his voice rough from the scotch.

“Please, Zayne. You don’t have to do this.” I whispered, as he drew closer. “Let me go back to the kitchens. I’ll work harder, I’m sorry if I did something wrong.” I wracked my brain, trying to think of what I could have done to have earned this punishment. His expression was tight, and his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. He watched the first tear slide down my bruised cheek, almost as if the sight of it pained him.

“You didn’t do anything wrong, little Lightning Bug.” He said gently, brushing the tear away with his thumb. “It doesn’t have to be so bad. I’ll try to make it pleasant for you. Just please don’t fight it, Cerenah. Fighting will only make it hurt more.”

He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. He tasted like scotch and regret. I closed my eyes and more tears slid down my cheeks.

“I hate you.” I whispered against his lips.

“I know.” His voice was so quiet, I could barely hear him anymore. “Now, take off your dress.”

Pushing away the memories of that horrible night, I watched as Zayne took in the current scene before him.

His eyes observed the carving that seemed to have come alive before he glanced up to the clouds above. His lips pulled into a tight angry line before his gaze slammed back down from the heavens to focus on me.

I hated when his focus was on me. He was supposed to be at dinner. What was he doing here? Why couldn’t he just leave me alone? With a flick of his wrist, my bones came alive beneath my flesh, and he forced me to walk to him. The aching need in my chest to enter the stormy ring screamed in protest.

“Release me!” I yelled at him, as my body continued to walk forward. He shook his head, his hazel eyes swimming with fury.

“I will never release you, Cerenah.” He hissed, sliding his hand up the back of my neck and into my hair. “You know this. You will never be free of me. There is nowhere you can go, that I will not follow.”

Lightning crashed behind me in agitation. I didn’t need to look to know that a bolt had struck the carving. Zayne glanced over my shoulder, his eyes narrowing.

“Were you trying to kill yourself?” He asked me, his voice laced with disgust. I tried to shake my head, but his hand tightened in my hair. “You think you can use death to escape me? I am The Bone Prince, Cerenah. Even in death, you will be mine.”

“I am not yours!” I spat. I bucked against his magick as another bolt struck the stone behind me. It was calling me. He needed to let me go. “I am free now, Zayne. You are the slave. Release me and go to your sister’s bed, where I’m sure she’s waiting for you.”

I knew what my words would do to him. I hated him, but I knew him. So, when his expression turned sour and rage flashed across his eyes, I was not afraid. I was glad. I sneered up at him, his scarred nose nearly brushing against mine. “What are you going to do, Zayne? Hit me? Rape me? Kill me? There’s nothing more you can do to me that you haven’t already done. So either let me go, or end this now.”

“I saved you.” He snarled. “You blind, foolish, girl. I should have left you there to rot.” He pulled me closer and rubbed his thumb over my cheek possessively. He was looking at me with such intensity, I felt he could see the deepest corners of my mind.

“You didn’t save me, Zayne. You tortured me. You plucked me from the fire only to pick up the whip yourself.”

His eyes narrowed on me as the storm continued to rage around us, his grip tightening on my face. I knew I was going to regret my words, but I couldn’t stop. Centuries of pent-up hatred and anger had finally been set free. Try as I might, there was no holding back the words as they spilled from my lips.

“You are right about one thing. I would have rather you left me to get fucked by that guard than suffer the next two centuries with you.”

I might as well have struck him. His eyes widened in shock, and his mouth parted slightly, as a flash of lightning briefly illuminated his features. The brutal scar on his face flickered in the light as we stood, frozen together in this seemingly endless moment in time.

Before he could respond, Vespara’s voice cracked through the megaron like a gunshot.

“What is going on here?” She screeched, and we both whipped around to face her. She took in our entangled forms, her manic eyes nearly crossing in rage. Zayne released me and stepped away, assuming his usual, annoyed expression.

“Vespara. It’s not what it looks like.” He lied. She snarled and waved a hand at him.

“Get on your knees, brother.” She snapped, and I watched in shock, as he was forced to kneel before her. I had never seen her use his bond on him so thoroughly. It was both terrifying and satisfying. I sneered down at him, and he looked up at me, the skin around his eyes tight.

“Run, Cerenah.” He said softly, and I frowned. I had not been expecting him to encourage me to escape. But I couldn’t run, the thrumming call in my chest needed to be answered. Another rumble of thunder rolled through the sky above us and an earth-shattering screech sounded from above the clouds, drawing both Zayne and my attention upwards. What was that?

Suddenly, Vespara was in front of me, her hand wrapped around my throat. I clawed at her arm, thrashing against her, but she duplicated, and suddenly there were two other Vespara’s holding me back, while The Original stared at me with manic hatred.

“You have touched him for the last time you filthy whore!” She screamed. She drew a hand back to strike me as more lightning flashed, turning her already hideous expression even more monstrous. I refused to flinch before her. I was done cowering.

If she was going to kill me now, then so be it. At least I would die free with my head held high.

