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He gave her a look of disbelief. “Are you just going to talk around this?”

“Yes.” She smiled at him. “Can I hold a baby?”

He had lost the argument, but he still had two healthy baby boys. “Of course, which one?”

“Baby A, unless we’re going with A names, in which case they’d both be baby A,” she answered.

“No A’s.” Leo picked up a sleeping baby and handed him to Lucy, who was holding out her arms and wiggling her fingers in anticipation.

“I want different letters. Other than that, you can choose,” she said for the first time. Before, she’d always wanted matchy-matchy names.

“You mean like Lucy and Mabel?” Handing her the first baby, he was surprised at how big they were with how small she’d been when she was carrying them.

“We cannot name them that. I can’t say I don’t love the combination, but something else,” she joked as she unwrapped the tightly bundled baby so that she could look at his arms and legs and fingers and toes.

“You’re vetoing us naming our twins after your favorite sister?” He picked up the other baby and picked out every feature that was his wife in the tiny face. Nearly everything.

“I guess if you want Harper, Harper one will be.” She didn’t even look up, she was so engrossed in her baby.

“Is she back to being your best friend then?” he asked, sitting down on the bed and looking at her.

“Yes, she is. We talked about what our expectations for the company are and who will do what and when. It was easy once we started.” They were now in constant communication about the business. Harper was no longer the boss and in charge; it was a true partnership.

“Good. Dealing with you two fighting was hard.”

“It was.”

“But I’m vetoing Harper. One Harper is more than enough. I want Luke,” he said, remembering her naming them Luke and Maynard months before. The combination was too much, but Luke was adorably close to Lucy.

“Luke,” she said the name slowly while looking at the baby in his arms. Lucy then looked at the baby on her lap and kissed his forehead before saying, “This one is Owen.”

“I thought you didn’t care?” he teased.

She shrugged. “He looks like an Owen.”

He knew she only said that because they were identical. They both actually looked a lot like her and Mabel. He hoped that they would grow up as close as she and her sister were, because he loved how close she was with her sister, and everyone else in the family.

“Luke and Owen. That was easy.” She smiled and looked at the baby he was holding.

“Everything is easy with you, Lucy Lovely.” He kissed her smiling lips.

“Montgomery,” she corrected.

“You will always be Lovely to me.” He kissed her again, just as both the boys started to cry at once.

Life was going to be interesting now, but at least he had her by his side for it.

The End
