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Chapter Twenty

Harrison had spenttwo hours with Sera’s kids, and she had barely been able to restrain herself from yelling that they were actually his kids. How could he not see that? They looked exactly like him; every little thing screamed that his genes were in those girls.

But he had not noticed or thought it was possible or even imagined that it was probable. But she saw it so clearly.

Yesterday when she had shown up at his place in the late afternoon, she expected him to ask her about them. To ask why they looked like him, whose they were, and why she had hidden them from him—and continued to.

But instead, he had pinned her to the wall and had her naked within moments. Nothing meaningful had been said for hours. Not that she was complaining; she hadn’t seen him in over a day at that point.

But today was his second HR interview to see if his answers had changed. This morning she had set up a meeting through his new personal assistant, and it was almost time. And right now, she had no idea how she was going to conduct the damn thing.

Talking about Harrison’s sex life when it did not include her was going to slowly kill her, but death would still at the end. Before they started their own relationship, it wasn’t personal, but now it was very personal to Sera. Knowing what was going to be said and hearing it again was going to be awful.

Before she could chicken out, Harrison strode confidently into the office, very different from the first interview where he had been willing to tell her anything to get the investigation over. Now, he must think she was on his side. But in reality, all her doubts were still there—too many of them.

“Sit down, Harrison. Once again, I need you to answer the questions honestly. Do you want another person present? A male or female?” she asked while opening her file.

“No, I’m fine with just you.” He leaned back in the chair.

“Did you want someone else to conduct the interview?” she asked, not liking how relaxed he was.

“No, just you. But since you already know the answers, do we really need to do this?”

His words made her cringe.

“Okay, I’ll be asking some of the same questions and some different ones. How long have you been with the company?”

“Ten years. I told you last time,” Harrison said like she was wasting his time.

“How long were you married, and when did you get a divorce?” She really didn’t think he would answer since she already knew from the last interview and he wasn’t happy to be doing another.

“Married since I was twenty and divorced for four. As I told you.” His answer was clipped.

Fighting her irritation at him, she went on. She had to get this done. “Did you sleep with other women while you were married?”

“Yes, and so did you, so it doesn’t matter.” His jaw was set as he crossed his arms.

Taken aback, Sera wondered if he thought she wouldn’t do the interview after they had sex? That she would disregard her integrity for a roll in the hay with him? Was it possible that was why he had slept with her? Had she fallen into a trap she hadn’t even suspected?

“Have you ever had an affair with someone at work?” She continued.

“Not ever,” was all he said, though his anger was palpable. But he had repeated what he had said before they had slept together, which meant his statement was now a lie.

“Have you ever touched anyone inappropriately at the office that you are aware of?” she tried another.

“No, No, No, Sera. I have told you over and over again that she lied about everything. Why can’t you believe me? I thought that after this week, you would believe me.” His voice had an edge to it, an edge she didn’t like at all.

“This is over.” She shut her folder. “You may leave. I will have someone else contact you for another interview.”

“You finish it.” He pointed at her folder.

“Why? You’re pissed at me for asking these questions, and you won’t give me an honest answer anyway.” She shoved the folder into her desk drawer. His anger was now hers.

“I have not lied to you,” he stated.

“I can’t do the interview. A second has to be done, but I cannot do it,” she admitted, more to herself than to him. Why had she thought she could be objective for Harrison Dean? From day one, he could do no wrong in her eyes; even his wrongs had been forgiven. But being on Harrison’s side wasn’t her job. If he was lying, she was letting down a young woman who had done nothing but what Sera had done: fall for Harrison’s lies.

Harrison looked at her intently. “You don’t believe me.” He leaned toward her. “I can’t believe you don’t believe me,” he said in disbelief.
