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“No fucking way. Even if I had slept with her, I have slow swimmers. You can ask my ex about those things. I can’t father kids, ever. Write that down.” He waved his hand at her because she stopped writing as he’d talked. Her blue eyes were on him instead of the paper.

“You’re sure?” she choked out.

“One-hundred percent. Doctors checked many times while I was married. No baby Deans out there anywhere. Not now, not ever, and not in that woman.” Harrison suddenly pounded the table in anger. He hated talking about it; it made him feel like less of a man, but he needed it out there that Kylie Nash was a lying bitch.

“I don’t care if the child is yours or not. She claims it was conceived in this office building, and I care about that. So, did you ever sleep with her? Drunk or sober?”

“No, never. I don’t drink enough to get blind drunk anymore. Those days are behind me.” He wished he’d never had any, but his divorce had been a shitshow, and drinking dulled that. His divorce had lasted more years than he should have let it go on. At the time, he wasn’t willing to let go of what they had; what they could have had. Was it all for a dream? He didn’t know anymore.

“I’ll contact her lawyer. At this point, I think we have to demand a paternity test. If it comes back as yours, I’ll be pissed.” Seraphina slammed her folder closed.

“Not as pissed as I will be since I didn’t touch her,” he hissed.

“Once we get the test back, and it’s negative, it’s possible that she will back down.” Sera tapped the folder.

“I told her I had a girlfriend the entire time, not that she cared. She just kept pushing. Now I see what she had planned,” Harrison said.

“I would suggest you hang on to that girlfriend through this process. It’ll be helpful to parade her in front of a judge if need be.” Sera wasn’t looking at him as she said the words. She was looking out the window at the city.

“That won’t be possible because I haven’t had one the entire time, and the one I had last week is over,” he admitted, two days too soon, it seemed.

“Kendra? But you were just out with her.” Her eyes went back to him in surprise.

“And she spent more time flirting with your date than talking to me. So, I ended it. Not long after you left the restaurant.” No way was he admitting he got the idea from her.

“Can you get her back?”

“I don’t want her back.”

“I would suggest you find a replacement pronto.”

“Pronto?” He cracked a smile for the first time since the woman started talking.

“Right away, Harrison.” Her big blue eyes were on him.

“I know what it means, Seraphina. I just haven’t heard anyone say it in years.”

Her eyes squinted at him, but not in anger. She never did that in anger.

“Are we done here?”

“Yes, we are. I don’t think I need to tell you to keep this confidential, do I?” she asked.

“No way am I telling anyone. Are you going out to the bar tonight?” he asked, not knowing why. He didn’t actually care, but he was getting drunk tonight—that was for sure.

She tapped her folder again. “No, the bar’s full of yuppies now.”

“You only go to one bar?” he asked in amazement.

“No.” She grinned. “I go to others. I just like that bar. Also, it’s Tuesday, and I have to work tomorrow.”

“The last time I saw you there was a Thursday. You worked the next day.”

“Well, I had a shitty day that day, so I needed a drink.”

“Maybe today could turn out shitty.”

“It might just get there since you failed to inform me about Nash not showing up for work this week. I might have not been so shocked when I got the legal paperwork on this.” Seraphina got up and grabbed her folder. “Next time, just tell me when an employee doesn’t show up.”

“I’ll get right on that. when it happens.” He watched her walk out of the room.

As the door shut behind her, he wondered what she was thinking. Just last week, he had let her believe that he’d had sex in a conference room with Kylie. Now he was claiming he had never touched her. Now he regretted playing with Seraphina about the relationship. He had only admitted it because it would rile her up. And it had worked, until now.
