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“But that’s what they say. I mean, there are the occasional mood swings, the temper tantrums, morning sickness, then fatigue. You only haven’t begun to have weird cravings yet. Are you feeling nauseous?”

“Oh my! I’m not pregnant, Amy. There is no chance of that happening right now. I take precautions.”

“That’s good because you’re not allowed to get pregnant before me. You both already have a kid!”

I laughed and poked her on the sides. She laughed, too, then continued, “He is really worried about you, though. You need to convince him that whatever is going on isn’t that big a deal.”

“I’ll be down shortly,” I said, sitting up on the bed.

Amy gently tapped me on the shoulder and got up to leave the room.

The next day, after Hudson had gone to work, I received another text from Dylan: “Hello beautiful, made a decision already? Remember, the clock is ticking. Let me know what it’s going to be. Love, Dylan.”

He sent the text with a lot of heart emojis. He was obviously enjoying having me at his mercy, literally begging for my freedom.

I flung my phone on the bed in agitation and muffled my sobs under the pillow.

Chapter 15


I quietly packed up my stuff that morning after Hudson left for work. He had already taken June to school. It had been two days since my little talk with Dylan, and no matter how I thought about it, the only viable option was to walk away.

In the two days that had passed, I had cried so much that there were no more tears left. Dylan had ignored all my pleas.

“Are you going on a trip?” Maria asked, seeing me come out of my room, carrying my bags.

“Uhm, yeah. I’m going on a little trip. It’s a scholarly camp in New York.”

“Oh, Mr. Powell didn’t mention it. We will miss you terribly.”

“Oh, come on, you wouldn’t need to miss me that much. I’m only going to be there for three days. I’ll be back right after that.”

“Safe travels then,” she said, her face lit up in a smile.

“Thank you, Maria. Please take care of Hudson and June.”

“It’s my duty. I definitely will.” She helped me take my bags outside. An Uber was already waiting right outside the house. The driver helped me put my stuff in the trunk, and I got into the car.

Dylan had sent me an address after I had informed him of my decision to do his bidding, but I couldn’t pass up the thought of seeing Hudson one last time. I gave the driver his office address instead.

I imagined what my life was going to be like after now. Tears rolled down my cheeks again. I immediately wiped them away and looked out the window, admiring all the sights we drove past. We got to Hudson’s office after what seemed like a long ride.

“Please wait for me. I just need to pick up something. I’ll be out in a jiffy.”

The driver nodded in agreement.

I briskly walked into the business complex. It was my first time being there. A couple of people had recognized me from the party and offered to take me straight to Hudson’s office.

“Thank you.” I accompanied my appreciation with a smile and followed their lead.

We got off the elevator on the last floor, where Hudson’s office was. My heart had begun to race. Perhaps this was a bad idea. What was I going to say? I wasn’t sure I could bear to look at his face without breaking down in tears.

“Mr. Powell is in a meeting with the head of operations, but I’m sure he wouldn’t like for us to keep you waiting at all. I would go inform him that you’re here.”

“Hold on, please. Could you get me a cup of coffee first?” I was speaking with his secretary now.

“All right. Please give me a minute.” She disappeared out of sight in no time.
