Page 98 of Grayson & Hartley

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Mom shoos everyone away and gives Hartley a smile. “We’re all so worried about Jim,” she says. “Is he doing okay, sugar?”

Hartley nods, giving my mom a small smile. “He’s going to be fine now that he’s following doctor’s orders.”

“You can’t be too careful with a heart scare,” she agrees. “We’re all so lucky that you came to our little neck of the woods. I’m sure the decision can’t have been easy, uprooting your life up in Boston to move here?”

I know my mom is fishing, but Hartley is a pro.

“I’ve always loved small towns,” she says. “And family is important to me. I wanted to prove to my dad that I could do this. There’s been four generations of lawyers in our family, all men.”

My mom and Patti share glances, and look back to Hartley with approval.

“I’m sure he’s very proud of you,” Patti says. “Look at you, you’re gorgeous.”

“And single,” Georgia pipes up.

Hartley gives her a look as Mom claps her hands together. “That’s perfect news for a woman who has four single sons.”

“Mom!” I say, gently pulling Hartley away from them by her elbow. “Will you give Hartley a break? She just got here, for pity’s sake.”

She waves me off with a dish towel, but Hartley is all smiles. “It’s okay. My dad and step-mom keep reminding me that the clock is ticking. I’m used to it.”

Little Trinity runs up and slides her hand into Hartley’s. Hart bends down and says, “Hello. And what’s your name, sweetie?”

“Twinity!” Trin yells, waving her other hand in the air. She loves to announce her name proudly. “I’m getting a new puppy!”

We all laugh.

“You are? That sounds so exciting,” Hartley says. “Do you want to tell me all about it over dinner?”

Trinity claps her hands together and when my eyes meet my moms, she gives me a knowing smile. I shake my head.

This family is going to be the death of me, I swear.



This family is loud, like all good family gatherings should be. And everyone is wildly interested in everything about me. Not that I like talking about myself, but it’s nice that they’re interested.

Trinity tells me all the names she likes for her non-existent puppy ranging from spot to cupcake to poo-poo head, courtesy of Brooklyn.

“So how long have you been practicing law?” Gabe asks, leaning back in his chair.

He’s a lot like Gray. Not as thick around shoulders and arms, and slightly shorter, but not by much. They both have the same blue eyes and a flock of dark hair. The Bassett men are certainly not lacking in the looks department.

“Why, you lookin’ for a lawyer?” Brooklyn laughs, earning him a withering look from Gabe.

“Since I got out of college,” I tell them. “I started working at a firm in Boston right after I graduated, and I worked my way up the corporate ladder. Family law is what I know, but it’s diverse. It’s not just divorces and mediation, but also adoptions, consent orders, child support and protection orders.”

He nods. His eyes flick to Grayson, seated beside me, and I’m sure I see the hint of a challenge in his eyes.

“We were thinking of adopting Gabe out years ago,” Beau says, passing the cornbread. “But Mom wouldn’t let us. For some reason, she wanted to keep him.”

“Ha-ha, jerk,” Gabe says. “I’ll bet they’re glad I did, since Dad needed my help all those years ago when you were too young to work.” Again, his gaze is directly on Gray.

I know there’s tension between these two, but you could cut the air with a knife.

“Here we go,” Georgia mutters, loud enough for me to hear.
