Page 59 of Grayson & Hartley

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“You’re loosening the reins, not letting go,” I remind him. “The place will still be standing, even with you resting, just like the doctor said.”

My dad would never agree with me, but he seems contrite when he says. “I’ll go home after the meeting.”

I start walking down the hall to my office to grab my coffee. “I know you will. You have no choice, unless you want me to call the hospital myself?”

He chuckles. “Save that temper for the harder cases, not your old man.”

“My old man can’t listen to instructions given by medical professionals.” I give him a pointed look. “So no more ‘pop in’ visits until the doctor says it’s okay, okay?”

Dad sighs and keeps walking to the boardroom. “Whatever you say, Hartley.”

I quickly grab my coffee cup and trot down the hall to meet them in the boardroom, which has a nice outlook of the treed laneway behind dad’s office. He bought the building when he moved to Stoney Creek to set up the firm. It was a wise move since rentals have substantially increased.

I walk into the room, taking a sip of coffee and stop short in my tracks.

A scent I’m all too familiar with invades my nostrils before I even notice the person sitting there with his back to me.

Earthy. Dark. Slightly spicy. Hints of musk.

The mountains from my youth flash before me again.

My head momentarily spins as I grip my coffee cup.

“Hartley, come in.” Dad ushers.

I stand there agape, unmoving.

I know it’s him by the slight curl of his dark hair at the nape, and the way he holds himself. And there is no mistaking that cologne.

His head slowly turns, and in an instant I’m looking into crystal blue eyes and the most beautiful face I’ve ever seen.


Holy fucking shit!

He is Grayson freaking Bassett, my dad’s client with the bitch ex who tricked him into marrying her and never wanted kids.

His jaw drops about as far as mine and we both just gape at each other until Regina clears her throat and I realize I’ve been staring.

“Grayson, meet my daughter, Hartley Chambers,” dad goes on, oblivious. He opens the file Regina brought in and sits down opposite Gray. “She’ll be taking over some of my cases until I… recuperate.”

I walk a couple of steps, feeling his eyes still on me.

“Hartley?” he finally speaks, tilting his head, like he’s trying out the words for the first time.

“Guilty as charged,” I stammer, realizing that is not the right thing to say at all.

Dad and Regina both look up at me.

“I mean, umm, nice to meet you—” I trail off as Regina eyes us.

“Do you two know each other?” she asks.

Dad takes his specs off and looks from me to Gray.

Kill me now.

Gray hasn’t taken his eyes off me for one second. I feel his gaze skate over me, from my beige skirt suit with a silky white blouse up to my hair up in a neat office bun. I try to tear my eyes away, but I can’t. We both respond to Regina’s question with a simultaneous answer, but use different words;
