Page 43 of Grayson & Hartley

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Darbs drops me off at the airport. We hug for the longest time, and tears are shed.

“I’m a phone call away,” she says, wiping her eyes.

“Thanks. Me too, don’t forget that,” I tell her. “Day or night, it’s just an hour's difference.”

“I love you,” she says, not letting me go.

“I love you too, Darbs.”

“Keep me informed about what’s happening with lover boy!”

I laugh, shaking my head. “You’ll be the first to know. Though I'm worried I'll be swamped for the first few weeks as I settle in.”

“Understandable,” she says. “Just breathe, Hart, you’ve got this.”

I nod, though I feel unsure. Everything happened in a blur. “I hope so.”

She grips my shoulders, giving them a little shake. “I know so. You’re a strong, very capable, brilliant woman, and while I’ll miss you, I know that you’ll succeed no matter what you do.”

Tears freely fall down my face, and I don’t even bother to wipe them.

“I couldn’t have done this without you,” I stammer.

She folds me into her arms one more time. “I accept amazon gift cards.”

I laugh. “Noted. I’ll text you when I land.”

“Do they even have coverage in Stoney Creek?” she jokes, wiping her eyes.

“They better, or I’ll be on the first plane back.”

She finally lets me go and I make my way through the gate.

I wave back at her as I walk, taking a deep breath, and disappearing around the corner.

I’m nervous.

There’s a lot expected of me, even if Linda might say otherwise. My dad isn’t a tyrant by any means, but he has never gone easy on me. And even though I know he loves me, and has always wanted me to reach my full potential, there’s a part of me that feels like I need his approval. His name is on the line with his company, and I’m the one that’s going to be responsible for carrying on that name. It’s a lot of weight to have sitting on my shoulders.

I hope I can live up to all these claims.

I know I’m going to be out of my comfort zone, in a new place where I’ve only visited a couple of times on a quick weekend. Dad and Linda have always traveled to come and see me in Boston over the years. I’ve never ventured too far or discovered Stoney Creek at all. What I do know is that it’s a charming old-world town where everyone seems friendly and they all know each other. I don’t know if the latter is a good thing or not.

My dad and Linda’s years of living there make me feel like an extension of them, but I know I'm not truly a local.

I have a few hours to think over the four-hour flight.

I sigh, settling back into the plane seat, knowing I have my work cut out for me as the days pass. I just need to get to Stoney Creek, see my dad and Linda, find my apartment, and get acquainted with my new little town.

Surely that can’t be too much to ask?



Mom and Dad were over the moon when I arrived. I spent the afternoon at their place with my family. Even Gabe ducked his head in, though he hardly spoke to me. And Mom made my favorite chicken casserole.

I crashed really early. Of course, everyone assumed I was just tired from all the traveling I’ve been doing lately and the stresses of moving towns. No one knew it was because I was up half the night pleasuring a beautiful woman I just met at Casa Cipriani in New York. I’ve a good mind to send the restaurant staff a case of our finest bourbon. A grin spreads across my face, thinking of Lyle and Bert’s expressions if a case of Bassett Brothers Bourbon showed up with a thank you note.
