Page 121 of Grayson & Hartley

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“We should move into the quieter part, so we can talk,” she says.

“Fine.” I lead the way, parking myself in the elevated part of the bistro, overlooking the dance floor.

She frowns, looking around at the other vacant tables, but I pretend not to notice.

When she slides into the seat opposite, she smiles.

I don’t know what her fucking game plan is now, but I was expecting her to be hurling insults at me, not smiling.

“You look good, Gray,” she says, her eyes dipping down my body. “Though, you always did look good in a suit.”

“Let’s get on with it,” I say, trying not to snap. “Why did you want to see me?”

She lays a hand over mine as I frown, looking down at it. What the fuck is she doing?

I pull my hand away.

“I missed you, Gray. Let’s not do this, let’s not fight like this, I promise I never wanted things to be this way between us. I feel awful about what I’ve done.”

Wow, she must really be rooting for something big.

“Don’t expect me to take that as some lame-ass apology,” I say. “You weren’t very remorseful when I caught you with what’s-his-face, or when I left. How is he, by the way?”

She swallows hard, looking down. “We’re not together, Gray. It was never going anywhere.”

“So, you just fucked him for fun? Good to know.”

“You’re still mad, that means you still care for me.”

I shake my head. “No. It means that I got hurt by my soon to be ex-wife. The woman who didn’t take her wedding vows very seriously. Infidelity is something I take very seriously. So let’s not drag this out anymore.”

She takes a sip of her wine, watching me with those cat eyes that give me the shudders. How could I have loved this woman? How could I not have seen what I so clearly see now?

“I know you hate me, and you’ve good reason to. But you know my medication was fucked up for a long time. I was drinking to excess, doing things I wouldn't normally do…”

“Careful, it sounds like you may be trying to shift the responsibility of your actions somewhere else.”

“No, I’m not. I take responsibility for what I did. I’m deeply sorry, Gray. This whole time I’ve been a wreck about what I’ve done. I’ve never been such a mess; I can’t sleep, I’m barely eating…” She has lost a lot of weight, but I can’t find it in me to feel sorry for her. “I’ve been doing some soul searching, and when you called me that day, it was a bad day. I never should’ve tried to threaten you with Coyote Run.”

“You can’t have it anyway,” I reply, monotone. “So, if the terms are now set and you’re happy, let’s sign on the dotted line.”

I pull the papers out of my back pocket and smooth it out, laying the pen on the table.

“Of course you brought a copy.”

“The terms haven’t changed, so we don’t need to draw this out.”

“What if I still miss you?”

“So miss me. You’ll get over it someday.”

Her eyes flick up from the table to meet mine. “Gray, I know that I have absolutely no right to ask this…” Oh, here we go. “But I was hoping that we could… be friends at least?”



Fucking friends!
