Page 117 of Grayson & Hartley

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“I should walk you out,” I begin.

She smiles softly. “Really. I’m fine. I’ll check in with you later, when you’ve looked things over.”

I nod, annoyed that I don’t get to kiss her one last time.

I watch her leave as Gabe moves out of the doorway, reciprocating her smile as she passes.

“Bye, Gabriel.”

“Till we meet again, Hartley.”

The second she’s gone, his demeanor changes as he turns back to face me. “So, boning your lawyer? It might earn you some points, but I'm not sure with whom. Certainly not her father.”

“Australia is a done deal,” I say, turning away from him. It’s best to ignore his innuendo than feed into it. “Is there anything else? If not, there’s the door.”

Of course, my brother is in no hurry to leave. “Yes, there is something else. She is the chick you met in New York, isn’t she?”

“I meet plenty of women, Gabe. Unlike you. Maybe you need to get out more, then you wouldn’t be so interested in my love life.”

“I thought she was just your lawyer?”

“She is. Your point? I’m getting old here.”

A lazy smile creeps across his face. He’s enjoying my discomfort a little too much. “Do you hug all your attorneys, or just the hot ones?” He doesn’t wait for me to answer. “You were ga-ga over the chick in New York, and I know you, Gray. Moving from one woman to the next that quickly is not something you do, despite your belief that you're a ladies’ man. You’re a one woman at a time kinda guy. If my memory serves me correctly, you rarely hooked up in our youth…”

“Again, unlike you.”

“The fact you’re not even denying it is comical. I think it’s kinda sweet. Did you know she was moving here? Or was all of this some Georgia-Blue woo-woo shit that neither of you had any control over?”

“No. I didn’t know she was moving here, and I don’t have to answer any of your ridiculous questions. Now get out of my office and get a life while you’re at it.”

He crosses his legs over at the ankles, leaning his ass on the edge of my desk, smirking. “I think this is good. We’re bonding. I’ve seen a change in you lately, bro, and now I know what it is. Even with our little disagreement at Aunt Patti and Uncle Jack’s, the real Grayson Bassett would throw punches. This is progress.”

“Thanks, Dr. Phil. Are we done here? You should also know, I don’t fight in front of women. But I’m happy to have at it now if you’d like?”

“Whatever you say, but I have my good suit on.”

I sigh. “Wouldn’t want to ruin your pretty face. Mom would kill me. So if we’re done, can I return to work now, boss? Or will you keep psychoanalyzing me?”

“Answer the fucking question. Stop dodging around it.”

“Answer what question?” Brooklyn sticks his head in the door. “Oh, Hartley left some pastries. I’d run if I were you. Georgia is guarding the cream donuts like a fierce little leprechaun. She’s a little bulldog where food’s concerned.”

He looks from me to Gabe.

I grunt, sitting behind my desk as Gabe moves so he can face me. The smug look remains on his face.

“I was just asking our brother how long he’s been boning his lawyer for,” Gabe says, folding his arms over his chest. “But he’s being very coy about it. Not that I blame him. Won’t take long for it to spread like wildfire around here.”

“You say anything and I’ll wipe that fucking smile off your face permanently,” I warn.

He holds his hands up in surrender, his shoulders shaking from laughter.

“Oh, he’s been creaming her bun since the day she got to town, it’s old news. Though, I'm curious if she has a sister. That skirt suit fits her like it was sprayed on. I’m seriously gonna have to rethink my modus operandi, gentlemen, and score me a high-class chick like you, bro.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose, unable to look at Gabe. No doubt he’s sporting a huge grin. “Shut the fuck up, Brook!”

“I fucking knew it. The sparks going on in Aunt Patti’s kitchen were pretty damned obvious,” Gabe chuckles. “Way to go, bro. I guess that’s one way to make sure you keep her fighting for your prenup. Assuming your ability in the bedroom is still intact, you’ve been out of practice for a little while. Stoney Creek isn’t exactly Nashville in the lady stakes. You may need to up your game.”
