Page 10 of Grayson & Hartley

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I lean across the table a little. “My reply might shock you. I’m not always the gentleman you see here,” I tell her.

She bites her bottom lip and doesn’t let go. I feel the kick of my erection in my suit pants. “What are you when you’re not a gentleman?”

“I can be a beast,” I say, quite simply. “At least, that’s what I’ve been told when I unleash it.”

She knows I’m talking about sex.

Her eyes flick downward to my lap. Thank God she can’t see my crotch, yet it may be advantageous if she could. Her eyes are hungry and I know she’s turned on. One glance down to her pebbled nipples could tell me that.

“And the most risqué thing I’ve ever done with a stranger?” I think for a moment about her original question. I’d been with Keira for so long it was hard to recall life before her. “I think blundering like I have been in front of you takes the cake.”

She laughs. “You can do better than that.”

I laugh too. My words would shock that innocent smile off her face. I wonder if she likes a man shocking her.

“Fine,” I sigh. “I once pleasured a woman into submission in a restaurant.”

Mid-sip, she looks at me over her glass.

“It was a lot darker than this,” I clarify. “And we were sitting in a booth seat, so I had much easier access to her.”

She swallows hard and takes another bite of her dessert. “That’s definitely risqué,” she says finally, her voice sounding a little shaky. I wonder if she’s imagining it.

I press my lips together. She started this, so she can finish it. “And you?”

She shakes her head.

“No way, I told you mine.” I chuckle darkly. What a fucking minx.

“I haven’t done anything all that risqué.”

“I think you can do better.” I throw her own words back at her.

She sighs and puts her spoon down, bracing herself with another sip of Sauternes. “Fine. There was this one time…”

A grin spreads across my face as I wait for her to elaborate.

“Years ago I was at a baseball game with the guy I was seeing, when we got a little frisky outside the stadium.”

I listen intently as she tells me.

“We snuck into one of those alcoves hidden from view, and we had sex…basically outdoors. I mean, no one could see…”

I press my lips together. Even though I don’t like the thought of another man touching her, my mind races. Having such a jealous thought is ridiculous. I’ve just met the woman. I’ve no claim on her, and I have no intention of making a claim on her, well, not a permanent one, anyway.

“Did you enjoy the risk, Hartley?” I ask, my voice rough.

She laughs at the memory. “I was young and stupid.”

“So you wouldn’t do something like that now?”

“I wouldn’t say never.” Her words hang in the air and now I’m hard.

I finish off my dessert and push the plate away, sitting back in my seat.

She slides her chair out and grabs her glass of wine, walking over to the edge of the terrace just in front of our table. The dinner rush is almost over, making it quieter out here.

“Come look at the view,” she says, turning slightly toward me.
