Page 163 of Veil of Lies

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Not a happy thought. Our headstrong daughter already pushed all the boundaries. I couldn’t even imagine how much fun it would be when she hit 14 or so. Unlike me when I was that age, I had a feeling she wouldn’t want to sit at home with a good book.

“Thank you,” Quinn said as I stood, aiming to get a shower and some sleep before the little monster woke up again.

“For what?” I asked curiously.

“For everything. For being you, for giving me a son.” His eyes shone as he stared up at me. “I love you, Stella. Always and forever.”

Tears pricked my eyes. My emotions were never far from the surface these days. It was hard to recall the girl I’d been all those years ago, the one who’d locked up her feelings in a metal box, afraid to let herself form attachments. I wasn’t her anymore.

“I love you too, always and forever.”

My heart was so full it felt like it would burst out of my chest with happiness. There was not one thing that would make my life better, other than Tessa finally ditching Enzo for good. But that was her story, not mine. I’d found my happy ending. I just hoped one day she would too.

The end.
