Page 51 of Brutal Bratva Boss

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My lip pulls up in disdain as his eyes move repulsively over my body. The fact that I am his daughter does not seem to bother him the way it should.

“What do you say, Katherine?” He brings his face level with mine. “Ready to start earning your keep?” His eyes drop down to my stomach. “There is just the business of sorting out your little issue, but after that, we should be good.”

Faster than I would have thought possible, I pull the gun out of the inside of my jacket, cocking it on the way up and pressing it to his forehead. “I don’t think so.”

My father freezes, his face turning red. His eyes dart over my shoulder. “You didn’t frisk her?” he shouts. “What the fuck is wrong with you simpletons?”

I push against my father’s forehead with the tip of the gun. “Hey asshole, eyes on me. Tell your men to stand down, or I will pull this trigger and give you a mark you will never forget.”

My father glares at me, his lip pulled up and his teeth bared. “Go ahead. Shoot me. You will never get out of here alive. And neither will that monstrosity growing inside you.”

For a split second, I contemplate pulling the trigger and blowing a hole in my father’s head. This whole time I had not wanted to be responsible for taking anyone’s life. Not even my sadistic and cruel father. I had only brought the gun tonight in case anything went wrong. But the moment my father mentioned ending the life growing inside me, that all went out the window. I realize now that any remorse I feel will be worth not having my father walk this earth anymore. The world will be a better place for it. It will be one less person to inflict harm on innocent people and enjoy it. That in itself will likely mean I will not feel any remorse whatsoever.

I must be thinking it over too long because my father snickers.

“That’s what I thought. You never did have the backbone to do what is needed.”

My lips press into a stiff line, and my finger moves on the trigger of its own volition. My father’s eyes flit between my finger and my eyes as he weighs the chances of me actually following through, but before I can do anything, there is a loud bang to my side.

My attention moves to where the door has just flown open, and Theo comes barging in with Gavriil. They each fire a few shots, taking out the men in the room. My father uses this opportunity to swipe the gun from my hand and he winds an arm around me, pulling me against him so my back is pressed against his chest. He presses the gun against my temple as Theo comes to a stop in front of us, his gun raised.

A small patch of blood is on the material of his shirt where his wound is. He must have damaged the stitches somewhere along the way. Luckily, it does not seem too bad.

“Fyodor, just in time,” my father sneers.

Theo points the gun at my father’s head. “Let her go, Igor.”

My father chuckles, pulling me tighter against him. “No, I don’t think I will.” He nods towards the limp body still tied to the chair. “We need someone to replace that one at the club.” Twisting my face to the side, he presses his nose against my neck and inhales deeply. “I think she will make a fine specimen. What do you think?”

Theo’s jaw works as his eyes dart over to the form on the chair. His hand flexes on the gun, and when he looks back at my father, he takes a step towards us.

My father takes a step back, dragging me along with him. “Uh, uh, uh. Not a smart move, Fyodor. If I were you, I would not attempt that again.”

Theo waves a hand to the side. “Look around you, Igor. All of your men are dead. You are alone.”

“Maybe.” My father taps the gun against my temple. “But I also have the most leverage.”

“You would do well to mind where you point that thing,” Theo growls.

My father has the audacity to laugh. “I’m walking out of here. With your precious wife. And if you want her to stay alive, you’re going to let me.”

Theo’s eyes flare at the mention of my father taking me with him. His eyes dart between me and where the gun is pressed against my head. I can see the gears turning in his mind as he tries to work out if he can take the shot.

My father’s grip has started loosening around me the longer he talks, his overconfidence getting the better of him. The more he speaks, the more I feel the gun pressing less and less against my skin. With the kind of grip my father has around my shoulders, if I tried hard enough, I am sure I could get out of it. All I would have to do is drop straight down.

I look at Theo and drop my chin slightly. A silent understanding passes between us, and I count to three before I shift my hips back while simultaneously dropping down to my knees. I hear a shot go off when I hit the ground, and I wait for pain or darkness to follow. It does not.

Instead, I hear a thud behind me and footsteps fast approaching. Theo drops to his knees next to me, gripping my shoulder with one hand and lifting my chin with the other.

“Are you okay?”

Frozen in shock, I stare at him for a beat, and then the tears start flowing. I am powerless to stop them. Theo pulls me to him and rubs my back, consoling me as I convulse with sobs. I am not sure how long we sit there, me crying into his chest, but eventually, Theo picks me up and carries me to the car. He orders one of his men to arrange a cleanup crew, and another to drive the car I came in back. Gavriil drives the SUV they came in so Theo can sit in the backseat and hold me.

When we get home, Theo carries me to the bedroom and helps me undress before leading me to the bathroom.

He opens the tap of the shower and pulls me under the warm spray. Then he just holds me. After a while, he turns me around and starts massaging my shoulders. It feels so good that I drop my head back to rest on his chest, and the tension from the ordeal I went through starts ebbing out of my body.

At one point Theo’s hands move to the front of my body, and he starts massaging around my chest before moving to cup my breasts. As he lavishes kisses on my neck, he rolls my nipples between his fingers, sending shivers down my spine. Just when I think I can’t take it anymore, one hand abandons its attention and travels down my stomach. Theo slips a finger between my folds to rub my clit and my hips press back against the solid length pressing into my lower back. After a few passes over my swollen nub, he dips a finger inside, closely followed by a second one, pumping lazily.
