Page 48 of Brutal Bratva Boss

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Gavriil moves closer. “This is one of the newer safe houses. Very few people know about it so we felt it would be the best option. We’ll stay here for a while until we know it’s safe, and there will be a constant rotation of men so there will be around-the-clock protection.”

I nod my approval. “Good.”

I turn my attention back to Kat and pull her closer. “I’m sorry we didn’t have a chance to finish our dinner.”

Kat huffs a laugh. “Under the circumstances, I’m just happy you’re alive. Besides, Gavriil is getting pizza.”

On cue, my stomach grumbles. “I could do with some pizza.”

“Oh no.” Kat shakes her head as she grabs a glass with a straw poking out from behind her. She helps lift me until I am sitting in an upright position. “The doctor said no solids for a few days while all your insides heal.”

She brings the straw to my lips. “So, he left these shakes for you.”

I pull my lip up in disgust. “That is not food.”

“Sure, it is,” Kat argues. She pokes the straw against my lips, trying to get it inside. “Stop being such a baby and just drink.”

Grumbling, I part my lips and let her move the straw inside my mouth. The fluid itself does not taste too bad, but I know it will not satisfy my hunger. Kat, however, does not seem too bothered by this.

Once she is done feeding me, she clubs into bed next to me, curling into my side and telling me how happy she is that I am still alive.

I am not sure how long we lie there before I slip into darkness again.

Chapter 19 - Kat

At one point I had thought staying in Theo’s home was like living in a prison. But the safe house is even worse. It is not a bad place to stay by any means, it is a large house with all the amenities one could ever need. There is a gym, a sauna, and an Olympic-sized indoor swimming pool on one side. The kitchen is fully stocked, and there are enough plush rooms to house a small football team.

The one thing it is missing? Freedom.

I can’t even go outside for a bit because there is a chance someone could see me and then whoever was looking for us would know where we are. The closest I get to the outside is the modern conservatory with bulletproof one-way glass. So, I can see the outside, but not actually be in it. And no one can see in.

After everything that has happened, I can understand why they are taking such hefty precautions, but that does not make it any easier. The fact that we can’t contact anyone we know in case information of where we are gets out only adds to the loneliness.

Most of the time I am next to Theo’s bed so I can keep him company. He hates that he is cooped up in bed and keeps insisting that he is fine, but the doctor said he needs at least a week of proper rest, and I intend to see to it that he gets that.

The last few nights, though, I slept in one of the other rooms. Theo still has some discomfort, and whenever I have slept in the same bed as him, he insists on holding me against him. It would not be a problem if not for the fact that he then wakes up in agony due to the position he lies in. After the second night, I drew the line and informed him I would be sleeping elsewhere. He did not take it well.

Incessant vibrating pulls me out of my deep slumber. I roll to the side as I try to pinpoint where it is coming from, and my eyes land on the cell phone on my bedside table, the screen flashing with an incoming call.

When I pick it up, I first check the time. I groan when I see it is just after 2 a.m. Who on earth would be calling me at this hour? The caller ID is blocked, so I have no way of knowing who it is until I answer. I am contemplating answering the call when it stops ringing. Before I have a chance to put the phone down, it starts ringing again.

I press accept and hold the phone up to my ear. “Hello?”

“Hello, my dear.”

My blood turns to ice at my father’s voice.

“How did you get this number?”

“Does it really matter?”

The answer is yes. I have only had this number for a few weeks. Theo got me a new cell phone as a show of good faith, but I have not yet handed the number to anyone, not even my cousin.

“A better question would be, why am I calling?”

“That was my next question.”

“Well? Go on then.”
