Page 21 of Brutal Bratva Boss

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She seems unsure of my answer, so I figure I might as well lay all my cards on the table. “There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t want you. Not once have you walked by me in whatever scrap of clothing you decided to wear that day that I don’t think of bending you over the closest surface and making you scream my name like you did that night.”

Kat’s eyes widen and she swallows thickly. “So, why don’t you?”

“Because I gave you, my word.”

“Yeah, but for something like that—”

“I want you to feel like you can trust me. And if I have to contain myself for that to happen,” I pause as I shrug, “then so be it.”

“Because you said you wouldn’t touch me until I asked you to?”


Kat gives me a contemplative look. “I see.”

Holding eye contact, she slowly rises from her chair, and I push mine back as I do the same. One side of her lush lips lifts as she leisurely walks over to me, her fuck-me heels clicking against the tiles, and the fingertips of one hand dragging along the table. She comes to a stop in front of me, leaning back to rest on the corner of the table in front of my chair, which she nods towards. “Sit down.”

Curiosity has me sinking back into the seat. Gone is the timid, bitter woman who has occupied the house for the last few weeks. In her place is the woman I met all that time ago. The brazen woman I shared one of the best nights of my life with.

Kat smiles when I comply. Her eyes sweep over my form slowly, and she licks her lips. Leaning forward so her cleavage is inches from my face, she brings her lips to my ear. “So, you want me to believe that you are a man of your word?”

She pulls back, and her vibrant green eyes drop to where my hands rest on my thighs.

Moving my hands to the arms of the chair, I grip the wood hard enough for it to creak under my fingers. I lift my chin. “I am.”

Kat’s smile turns devious and she brings her hand to my chest, her touch ghosting over my muscles. Turning her attention to my buttons, she pops the top two open.

She pulls the thigh-high split of her dress open with one hand, gathers the material over one firm leg, and lifts herself onto the chair to straddle me. Gripping the back of the chair, she presses her core forward until it meets the growing bulge in my pants, and it takes every ounce of strength I have not to grab her hips and rock her over me.

“Careful, princess,” I warn. “Just because you have my word doesn’t mean it would be wise to see how far you can push me.”

“Why not? If I’m to believe you, you’ll wait for me to say it.”

I meet her eyes. “Say what?”

Kat’s gaze darts between my eyes. “Theo,” she breathes. She licks her lips, and her eyes drop to my mouth. I feel the sparks around us as she leans forward, bringing her mouth to my ear again, and her hands move to my shoulders. After a brief pause, her warm breath brushes over my ear. “Touch me.”

With a growl, I grip her ass cheeks and lift her, pausing only long enough to swipe everything on my side of the table to the floor, before depositing her on the smooth surface. I grip the back of her neck and crash my lips down on hers. All the feelings and the many self-love showers I have taken in the last weeks come to a head as my restraint snaps. I don’t give her a chance to react before I push past her lips, my tongue tangling with hers. She moans into my mouth, her hands clawing at the front of my shirt and her leg hooking over my hip. There’s the telltale sound of fabric ripping as I part her thighs wider, and cool air brushes over my chest when she rips my shirt open, sending buttons flying, and she pushes it over my shoulders.

She claws at my skin, trying to bring me closer as her heels dig into the back of my thighs.

Pushing on her chest, I lay her down on the table. With a hand on either side of the dress’s slit, I pull the two pieces apart all the way to the top, until the dress falls open. Her breasts spill out without the confines of a bra, and the only material left on her body is the scrap between her legs. That will be going soon too.

I roll a hard nipple between my fingers as I look down at her.

“Theo, please,” she pleads as she arches into my touch.

“Did you think it was wise, princess?” I smooth my hand between her breasts and down her body. “To tempt me when I was not allowed to lay my hands on you?”

She tries to sit up, but I push her back down again with a hand to her chest. Gripping her hips, I pull her to the edge of the table until her ass cheeks sit snugly against me. “To see how far you could push me before I broke?”

My hands smooth over her sides, brushing the underside of her breasts, but moving away just as quickly.

Kat squirms under my touch. “I—I’m sorry. Theo, please.”

“Please, what?”

She makes a frustrated sound. “Touch me.”
