Page 5 of Bought at Auction

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Luna shivered as Aiden’s voice infiltrated her ear and fluttered her nerve endings. He damn well knew her ear was her erogenous zone!

She jerked her head away. Things were different now. She needed to be the one in control, needed to be the one who didn’t get hurt.

At sixteen she’d thought he was a gentleman, but that was before he’d broken her heart and crushed it underfoot. And if the rumors were to be believed, he was now very much a ladies man. All the Black brothers were renowned for their sexual exploits, with women lining up to be with any one of the infamous siblings.

That the older brother was now off-limits would only make the other two brothers more sought-after. Every girl they dated probably hoped and believed they’d be the next Mrs. Black.

She let out a slow breath. At least she’d finally sample the one piece of Aiden she’d never had. And at least Aiden’s bedroom experience meant their night together would be memorable. Tonight she wanted more than a simple date. She planned to seduce him, then walk away from the bastard for good, just like he’d once so callously done to her.

She only hoped a night of pleasure would be enough to finally put her past behind her. She’d staked everything on these new, positive memories overriding the painful breakup of their youth.

What if he’s no longer attracted to you?

Her pulse juddered. But as he curled a hand around her jaw, his touch as reverent as his dark gaze, she let out a slow exhale. No. He wanted her. It was written all over his face.

His hand dropped and he bent before lifting her high, holding her effortlessly against his chest. She gasped. He might have gone from gentleman to player, but his genetics were the same. He was still strong and powerful.

She pressed her head against him and sucked in his heavenly citrus and amber scent. And even with the rowdy cheers and wolf whistles as he proceeded to walk toward the exit, she could hear the solid thud-thud of his heart.

It wasn’t until he exited the conference room and stepped toward the elevator, that Luna truly comprehended all her dreams were about to come true. A shiver of apprehension skittered down her spine. She only hoped the dream didn’t morph into a nightmare, because short of an earthquake, nothing could stop her from being with Aiden.

As if he’d misread her thoughts, Aiden’s hands tightened. He needn’t have worried. She wasn’t going anywhere. He was the one who’d run away, not her. He was the one who’d broken her naïve little heart and forced her to grow up fast.

Stop! Focus on why you’re here.

She lifted a hand and touched the dusting of bristles on his jaw. “This is what you want?” She sucked in an unsteady breath. “You weren’t just trying to save me from those other men?”

If another man had won the bid, he wouldn’t have gotten anything but a date from her. Luna had no interest in sleeping with anyone but Aiden. She’d hinged everything on his bid.

The elevator doors swished open, but he didn’t move. He looked down at her, his dark eyes fathomless, guarded. “If I was a decent man I would have run before the bidding even started.”

Though she managed a smile, sadness welled, her heart aching for the people they used to be. “No more running from me,” she said softly. “Not tonight.”

His jaw tightened. “And tomorrow?”

Her stomach lurched. “Tomorrow we say goodbye...but this time it will be with no regrets.”

Every instinct Aiden possessed rebelled against the idea. They’d only just reunited; he couldn’t lose her again so soon!

Stop being a selfish bastard. She clearly doesn’t want you long term. And you were the one who left her the first time around. Now it’s her turn to do all the leaving.

Except it’d taken seeing Luna again to realize exactly how stupid he’d been, how filled with bitter regret for all the things they might have missed out on: marriage, children, laughter. And probably some spirited quarrels. But he could vividly imagine their choice of making-up.

He forced his legs to move, then jabbed the button that swished the elevator door shut. His arms tightened around her, his pulse thudding as desire poured through his veins.

How many women had been seduced in this very elevator? And how many of those women had he been the one to seduce? He could think of at least a dozen, but the memories seemed so sordid now, so cheap.

Luna deserved so much better.

Past and present.

If only he could change what he’d done.

His chest tightened. It was too late for that. But it wasn’t too late to show Luna that he’d changed.

It took all of his willpower not to kiss her sexy, ruby colored lips as they ascended. When the elevator doors reopened, he was close to sweating from the torture of his repressed needs. He was clearly too little-practiced in this type of restraint.

He sucked in a steadying breath before he strode toward his penthouse door set apart from the other two penthouse suites that were his brothers. Not that Galan used his apartment much anymore, he was happiest with his pregnant wife at their newly built seaside home.
