Page 36 of Bought at Auction

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He slid an arm around her waist. “Perhaps it’s just the company that makes it taste so damn good,” he mused.

She took a sip, agreeing with him. Somehow everything tasted better when she was with him. “I suspect you’re right.”

“Oh, I know I’m right,” he said, chuckling. He sobered a little and added, “I’ve really enjoyed our time together. I think I needed to stop being a workaholic and take some time out and a little.”

She smiled. She understood exactly what he was saying. Ever since they broke up she’d done nothing but work. Oh, she’d done some sightseeing too, she would have been crazy not to when she’d landed in some exotic countries, but she’d been a little numb doing it on her own, like not sharing it with a loved one detracted from the enjoyment.

She could easily imagine sharing her life with Aiden, visiting places of interest and enjoying his company just as much, probably even more than the sightseeing itself.

She gave a mental shake of herself. Was she crazy? She was all too quickly slipping into an easy camaraderie with him, forgetting the past, forgetting herself and him and why she was back here. It was a good thing this was their last day together. She needed to get away from him...and soon.

Taking another sip of her coffee, she looked up at him and said, “I might go have a shower and find something to wear.”

“Want some company?” he drawled.

She laughed. “Not a good idea. I really do want to experience that Harbour lunch cruise. We might never make it there if you have your wicked way with me.”

“What? You’ve never heard of a quickie?” he asked, feigning shock.

She paused, then did a slow lick of her lips. “You’ve got fifteen minutes.”

Chapter Eighteen

The weather was perfect, the day absolutely divine, Sydney Harbour really putting on a show with its blue water and even bluer sky. The Opera House with its white sails, and the Harbour Bridge, aptly named the coat-hanger, was a perfect backdrop as a pair of guitarists serenaded the guests aboard the cruise vessel that motored slowly past Sydney’s iconic landmarks.

Aiden couldn’t have been on more of a high if he tried. All the feelings he’d had as a teenager had come rushing back, his emotions for the woman opposite him on the intimate table for two with its window views, exposed and raw. Like he was finally facing up to how much he cared for Luna. Had always cared for her.

His eyes were open now to the last eighteen years, where he’d been a shell of his former self. He’d sealed his feelings away for Luna, and along with it had buried a part of himself. The women he’d slept with over the years had been nothing more than a diversion, a sticking plaster covering the heartache he’d tried so damn hard to ignore.

But now Luna had come back, he’d had to face her and his fears. He’d had to admit to himself that she’d only ever been the one for him. No other woman would ever come close to her.

I love her.

He swallowed heavily, the salmon suddenly like a fur ball in his mouth, threatening to choke him with the truth.

“Are you okay?” she asked, her big hazel eyes blinking at him.
