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Sam’s mouth drew into a tight line. “Seems so. What brought you here?”

“One of the ranch hands tipped the tractor, trapping him underneath. Doc is checking him out.”

“He’s lucky to be alive.”

“I know. With what I understand so far, he’s going to be laid up for a few weeks.”

Staring at her boots, Sam shook her head while shoving both hands into the back pockets of her jeans. “That’s tough. I know Quinn runs the ranch on a tight budget.”

“We’ll be all right. Jake mentioned asking Virgil to borrow a man as a short-time replacement.”

“Or woman.” She smiled.

“Right. Except you’re the only woman, and we know how much Virgil depends on you. Do you want to get some coffee?”

“I’d love a cup, but I should stick close.”

“No problem, Sam. I’ll get a cup from the vending machine. Black?”

“Not a chance. I take sugar and cream. Can’t stand it without something to cut down the bitter taste.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He gave a mock salute before leaving to find the machine.

Sam watched him go, a smile touching the corners of her mouth. Logan was a good-looking guy, and one of the nicest men she’d ever known. A great guy to hang out with. His good humor never changed, which suited her fine.

Her mind traveled to another man, and her smile faded. He’d been the complete opposite of Logan. She hadn’t seen him in years, and hoped to never run into him again.

Chapter Four

Jonah Bonner shoved back from his computer, eyes aching from hours of work on today’s presentation. The audience would pick apart his numbers and suggestions. They would be relentless, the same as they’d been when he was a boy.

The Bonner family was tougher than any bank loan committees he’d faced. Rightly so. What he’d show them would indicate whether they should continue some aspects of the ranch and consider closing others. The ranch provided a livelihood for over two dozen people, including the entire Bonner clan.

Jonah stood, raising both arms for a long stretch. He’d been lax in his exercise routine last week. His early morning run of six miles had been cut to four. He hadn’t ridden his horse in days, and counted five hours of sleep as an excellent night.

The printer kicked out the last of the documents. A copy for each person, plus one extra. This wouldn’t require a PowerPoint presentation. The documents in his hand would be enough.

“You ready, bro?” Jonah’s younger brother, Gage, stood in the doorway.

“All set.”

Their offices were located upstairs at the back of the large lodge, while their parents’ and Wyatt’s were downstairs. Anson Bonner, the patriarch, had stepped back after a heart attack, appointing his oldest son to take his place. Virgil had been appointed the foreman when his father, Jasper, faced severe medical issues, forcing him to cut back on work. They’d all be there, along with their mother, Margie, and Virgil’s mother, Monica.

Jonah and Gage entered their father’s office to the hum of conversation. As they took their seats, Jonah could make out enough words to know Wyatt was advocating for more hires. Anson countered the suggestion, saying they already had plenty of people.

“All right, gentlemen.” Margie touched her husband’s arm. “Jonah is here. Let’s sit down and see the numbers.”

Anson grumbled to himself while pulling out his chair. “Jonah, Gage. Glad you two could make it.”

“We’re right on time, Pop.” Gage took a seat next to his mother.

Anson’s mouth twisted as he checked the time. “I suppose you’re right. Jonah, what do you have for us?”

Passing out the documents, Jonah sat next to his father. He waited for the others to look through the spreadsheets and read the executive page. It contained a summary and his recommendations. He saw that Wyatt scanned the spreadsheets quickly, moving within minutes to Jonah’s summary. Virgil did the same.

Anson lifted his head, focusing hard on Jonah. “Start explaining.”

Clearing his throat to hide a grin at his father’s frosty voice, he looked around the table. “The numbers are holding up and expanding in most areas. Sales of trained horses are above last year, cattle prices are stable, and the numbers for the guest ranch are far above expectations.”
