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They entered a small cabin behind the main house. It was the original foreman’s place before Jake built a new house for Quinn and Abigail. That structure sat next to Logan’s cabin.

Logan entered the living room and looked around as if seeing it for the first time. Sam stood beside him.

“Sit down and I’ll make us coffee.”

“Thanks, Sam. Just give me a few more minutes and I’ll be fine.”

She nodded before leaving the room, doubting he’d be fine. She returned from the kitchen a few minutes later with two cups, handing one to Logan. “It’s black. Do you want anything in it?”

“Black is good.” He took a sip before setting the cup down. “I feel like I should be doing something. Darned if I know what.”

“There’s not much you can do until the hospital calls back.”

“True. They’re releasing the body to a local mortuary. The guy I spoke to doesn’t know which one.” Restless, he stood. “I should pack. I’ll have to leave early tomorrow morning.”

“I’ll speak with Virgil.”

“What for?”

“You aren’t going alone. I’ll go with you.”

“I appreciate the offer, Sam. This is something I have to do alone.”

“Why is that?”

Logan didn’t respond right away. Pacing to the window, he looked out toward Quinn’s house. “It’s the way I’ve always done stuff.”

A half-smile appeared as his words clarified what she’d been thinking. “That’s about to change.”

“I’ll get the information to Pop, Logan. I’m sure he’ll do his best to be there for you.” Quinn drew his younger half-brother into a hug. “Can I do anything more for you?”

Logan shook his head. “You’ve done enough. Thanks for clearing this with Jake.” His head bobbed enough to notice. “I’ll finish everything up and get back as soon as possible.”

“Take whatever time you need. Call if you need anything.” Quinn squeezed Logan’s shoulder, looking toward where Sam stood on the passenger side of the truck. “Keep me posted.”

She nodded before sliding into the truck. Sam offered to drive, but understood when he insisted he needed something to focus on besides his mother.

The drive wasn’t far. Less than two hours in the heavy morning traffic. Sam tried to keep a conversation going on topics other than his mother. When Logan answered in short, clipped sentences, she gave up, deciding silence worked fine.

His mother’s body had been moved to the funeral home by the time they arrived. Logan hadn’t wanted to stop at his mother’s. Dealing with her home would come sometime, just not right now.

The woman they met at the funeral home gave Logan several options, none of which he could afford. Partway through the meeting, his phone rang. Seeing his father’s name, he excused himself to walk into the hall.

“Hey, Pop.”

“Logan. How are you holding up?”

“How you’d expect.”

“Quinn said she had a heart attack.”

“That’s what the man from the hospital said. Guess it was quick, which is good.”

“Are you having a service?”

Logan gave a date a few days away. “Seems a little soon, but there are no relatives to notify. And, well…Sam and I have to get back to work.”

“I’m glad she’s with you. Quinn said you’re going to marry that gal.”
