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She wondered what would happen to Beth and Abigail if he stayed, deciding to keep the question to herself. It wasn’t her business, and what would be would be.

Nacho looked at Virgil. “The girls said I could stay in the empty apartment behind the kitchen.”

“Fine with me.” Virgil shuffled his boot on the hard ground. “Wyatt shouldn’t have a problem with you staying there.” He glanced at her. It took a few seconds before she got the message. He wanted to speak with Nacho alone.

“I’m waiting for Logan to pick me up. I’d better grab a jacket before he arrives. Welcome back, Nacho.”

She thought about his surprise arrival and how it could affect both ranches. Sam knew Beth and Abigail needed their jobs. Their incomes helped support Jake Kelman’s ranch until he could gain traction with his new venture of offering Wagyu beef to restaurants.

The money from current sales of Angus beef were steady. Predictable is what Beth had called those sales. Those clients, plus what Jake and she made at Whistle Rock, kept their ranch going.

Grabbing a lightweight jacket from a hook in her cabin, she stepped back outside, yelping when she ran into a hard wall of muscle. Raising her gaze, she groaned.

“Miguel. What are you doing here?” Placing both palms on his chest, she shoved him away.

“We need to talk. Alone.”

“No, we don’t. Nothing you say will interest me. You need to leave.” He blocked her when she attempted to move past him. “Get out of my way.”

“I’m only asking for a few minutes to talk.”

“Our marriage was over long ago.” Crossing her arms, she glared up at him. “There is absolutely nothing to talk about.”

“I don’t believe you are engaged to Logan.”

“It doesn’t matter what you believe, Miguel. Now, move.”

“It would be best if you did what the lady asked.” Sam moved to look around Miguel at the same time he whirled to face Logan. “She’s made herself clear. Leave and don’t return.”

Sam noticed Miguel’s fingers flexing as if in preparation for a fight. A brawl wasn’t acceptable. Not with the ranch hosting a large group of visitors. Moving quickly, she inserted herself between the men.

“Enough of this. Logan is right, you need to leave. We have nothing to discuss. If you have something to say, put it in a letter.”

Miguel threw back his head and laughed. “You want me to write a letter?”

“That’s right. I’ll read it when there’s time.”

“You’ll throw it away.”

“I said I’ll read it, and I will.” Sam already knew Miguel would never take the time to write her. He talked, or fought, to get his point across. She’d witnessed him write a letter or peck out an email. “You need to leave. Did you drive here?”

“I walked.”

Her eyes grew wide. “All the way from town?”

“It isn’t so far. Two, maybe three, miles.”

Logan stepped closer, locking his gaze on Miguel. “You should start back now. Before Virgil or Wyatt catch sight of you.”

Tearing his attention away from Logan, he shifted to face Samantha. “It is important we talk.”

“Fine. Write me a letter. If I think it’s important enough to meet, I’ll let you know.” Sam didn’t say another word before walking toward Logan’s truck.

“You don’t love her.”

Logan thought it a ridiculous comment. “I think we both knowyou’rethe man who didn’t love her. Sam has a bright future here at Whistle Rock Ranch. She’s surrounded by people who care about her. I can’t think of a single reason any man would want to cheat her out of a good life.”

“A life with you?” Miguel smirked.
