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Her stomach dropped at the news. “Logan and I were there yesterday. He seemed tired, but fine.”

Quinn shrugged. “All I got was a brief voice message. I called Beth. She’s going to spread the news at Whistle Rock. I know several of the ranch hands have been helping them out.”

“This isn’t good news. Do you mind if I try calling Amanda before checking in with Logan?”

“Not at all. I don’t know if they have family in the area, but I’m sure any support would be welcome. I’m going to check on the stock we’re using for the events.”

Pulling out her phone, she called Amanda. She answered on the fourth ring.

“Amanda, it’s Sam. How’s Mark doing?”

A long silence was followed by what Sam thought was a soft sob. “Not good. The doctors don’t know what’s causing his pain. They’re still doing tests.”

“What kind of pain?”

“He woke up about four this morning. That’s not unusual. Except he could barely move. Everything hurt. His back, legs, arms. I try to keep him from overdoing it, but he’s so stubborn. I got him in the truck and came here about five. Mark griped the whole way here. Thank goodness the doctor in emergency supported my decision.”

“Who’s with him?”

“Mason Nagle was the first to see him when I got Mark inside. Gabe Montez joined them. They’re still in the emergency room. Gabe said he’ll come out as soon as they have news. Waiting is killing me.”

“Is anyone with you?”

A long sigh came across the phone. “Neither of us have family close by. I’ve called his parents in Idaho. They’re waiting to hear more before making a decision to drive down.”

“I have a few things to take care of, then I’ll join you.”

“You don’t have to do that, Sam. I know the ranch rodeo is taking place today.”

“Quinn and Logan will understand. Same with Virgil. Waiting is easier when you’ve got someone with you.”

“Thanks, Sam.”

“I’ll be there within the hour.”

“Wait. Doc Montez just came out. Hold on a minute.”

Several minutes passed before Gabe Montez’s voice came on the line. “Sam?”

“Yeah, I’m here. How’s Mark?”

“Well…the news is bad.”

“How bad?”

“Real bad, Sam. Hold a second.” He returned to the call a minute later. “Amanda’s not able to talk right now, but she gave me permission to tell you.”

“Don’t drag this out, Gabe. What’s happening?”

“He suffered a cardiac infarction not long after I joined Doctor Nagle. Mark is stabilized, but…well. Look…if possible, Amanda needs someone to sit with her.”

“Tell her I’m on my way.”

Chapter Eleven

Sam sprinted from the truck into the emergency waiting area. Her gaze swept the crowded room. Mothers held children, an elderly couple gripped each other’s hand, a man wearing a leather jacket sat stoically in a corner. Amanda was absent.

The door to the emergency room opened as she reached the desk where a woman of about fifty looked up. Before she could ask, Amanda appeared in the doorway. Empty eyes roamed the room, landing on Sam. The sight of her broke whatever kept Amanda together. On a sob, she lurched forward.
