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“So, you were working for Nik all along?”


“Why should I believe you?”

He shrugs, speeding up as he turns off the road out of town onto a dirt road. “You don’t have to. I just thought it would be nice if we finally got to know each other. I’ve kept a lot from you. And then I put you in danger by allowing you to go after Yuri.”

“What happened to Yuri?”

Tom stops tapping his fingers and the smile on his face fades. “Yuri decided not to heed Nik’s warnings to watch his mouth. He talked to the wrong people. He got into a fight, and they killed him.”

The car stops in front of a red barn and Tom gestures to it. I raise an eyebrow. Is this a trap? It might be stupid to get out of the car, but it could be worse to stay.

“Jump out and enjoy the morning. Maybe get your run in. Find the surprise that’s waiting for you.”

“And what about you?” I unbuckle the seatbelt and open the door.

“Don’t worry about me, kiddo. Just go chase your happiness.”

The moment that I’m out of the car, Tom throws it in reverse and backs down the road. He turns out onto the road and takes off, the car fading from sight.

My heart jackhammers against my ribs, my palms are sweaty as anxiety overcomes me. I take a deep breath of the fresh forest air. I don’t know what’s coming next, but if I must go to prison, I want to enjoy my last moments of freedom.

I always knew this day would catch up with me.

I will be dragged back to America and put in a prison where they will kill me.

I feel sick just thinking about it as I bend over, my chest heaves, and I try to calm myself down.

“Please don’t throw up on me, malyshka.”

Tears rise, blurring my vision as I look toward the barn. Nik steps out of the shadows, a T-shirt and jeans clinging to his toned body. The smile on his face is the widest I’ve ever seen. He spreads out his arms and I launch myself at him.

My legs wrap around his waist as he lifts me and spins me around. My heart skips a few beats as he slowly slides me down his body until I’m standing again. The familiar heat that constantly burns between us returns with full force.

“What’s going on?” My voice wavers as I cup his face and look up at him.

Nik opens his mouth, but an explosion interrupts him. The sound echoes through the air as the ground shakes. Dense smoke rises high into the sky.

That came from the direction Tom was going.

A stifled sob escapes me as I tear my gaze away from the smoke and look at Nik. “Tom?”

“Is fine. There is a car waiting for him. However, Hazel Hudson just died in a tragic car accident.”

His smile only sends more confusion flowing through me. My forehead wrinkles as my gaze swings between Nik and the smoke.

“Hazel Hudson is dead?”

He nods, and his smile beams. Nik cups my chin between his thumb and forefinger, angling my mouth up to his, and kisses me. Rough and desperate at first, then slow and passionate. My longing for him sends my body into a whirlpool of sensations. When he pulls back, that boyish smile is still on his face.

“Yes, she is dead. However, Nikita Orlov’s wife-to-be is very much alive and well. And she is free to choose a new name and return to New York whenever she wants.”

I arch an eyebrow and tilt my head back. “Excuse me?”

Nik pulls a small box out of his pocket. He goes down on one knee and flicks the box open, revealing a beautiful gold ring with a diamond in the middle. “I love you more than you could possibly know. You have been mine from the moment you walked into my life, and you will still be mine long after we’re gone. Marry me. Spend the rest of your life with me.”

“That wasn’t a question.” I laugh as he takes the ring from the box and slides it on my finger. “But if it was, the answer would be yes.”
