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As if on cue, my stomach growls. “Well, on that note, I think we better find our table.”

Yuri steps into our path as we turn away from the bar. Hazel stiffens in my arms. Their eyes collide, and they stare at each other. The tension is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

If he raises so much as a hand to her again, I will kill him where he stands.

“You should watch yourself with this one, Nik. She is nothing but a seductress who will put you in prison at the first chance that she gets. Speaking from experience.”

“Enough.” I step toward him, shielding her with my body. “I told you once and I will not repeat myself. Walk away.”

Yuri bows his head, still looking at Hazel like he is going to claw her at the first chance he gets. I stay in front of her until he takes off into the crowd.

When I turn back to Hazel, the color has drained from her face. Something’s wrong and I wonder if it has to do with what Yuri said.

“Let’s get out of here. We’ll get something to eat on the way home.” I take Hazel’s hand and interlace her fingers with mine and I feel a surge of electricity running through my veins.

“Are you sure?” She looks at me surprised and clasps my hand. “We don’t have to leave yet if you don’t want to.”

“I’m tired of other men looking at you. I’m exhausted by Yuri’s threats. And quite frankly, I plan on getting you home and tying you to my bed until you’re screaming my name as I fuck you.” I rumble against her ear.

She snaps her head towards me with a stern look, and yet I can see longing and desire in her sparkling eyes. It takes a few minutes for the valet to fetch my car. The moment he returns with it, I help Hazel inside.

I pull a tip out of my wallet, hand it to the valet, and take my time getting into the car. I need to cool down for a moment, otherwise we won't make it home.

Pulling over to the side of the road and bending her over the hood of my car is more than tempting, but the interactions with Yuri put a damper on things.

As I drive through the winding streets, anger still flows through me. My knuckles are white on the steering wheel. Yuri’s words loop in my brain on repeat.

“You seduced him?” I glance over at her only to see the hard set to her jaw. “How far?”

“Doesn’t matter.”

I press the accelerator down, weaving in and out of traffic. “It fucking matters, Hazel. How fucking far did you go?”

She looks out the window, avoiding my eyes. “I was clothed. Got on top of him. Handcuffed him. Nothing happened. Not that it would matter if it did.”

“Fucking bull shit.”

She is mine and if she thinks differently, she has another thing coming.

Hazels’ full lips fold into a thin line. She keeps glancing out the windows and in the mirrors.

I will take her home and show her who she really belongs to. She will leave my bed completely ruined for anyone else.

My little vixen will be begging for me early into the morning and then again late into the night.

We leave the main road and onto the highway. The silence in the car is stifling. I reach over and raise the volume of the music. A pounding bass vibrates the car. Hazel mouths along with the words, but she doesn’t stop watching the road.

Something is not right, but I doubt she would tell me even if I asked her.

The little vixen is an enigma of a person.

She sits with her hands folded in her lap. As she stares in front of us at the highway, her toes tap to the beat of the song. The song changes but she sings along with the next one too. Her voice is soft and sweet.

This is the kind of drive that I could get used to.

At least until red and blue flashing lights illuminate the darkness behind us.

Hazel rolls her bottom lip into her mouth before exhaling. Cop cars start to surround us. She moves faster than I can think, yanking the handbrake hard.
