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Chapter 1 - Hazel

That chandelier looks like it costs more than my entire house.

I run my finger along the gold-rimmed whisky glass as I cross one leg over the other. The bartender glances at me from the other end of the glossy black bar, ogling the low cut of my plum-colored dress. Leaning forward against the golden edge of the bar pushes my breasts up, drawing him in.

He drops the towel in his hand, running his fingers through his dark hair. I take a sip of my ‘Old Fashioned’ before setting the glass back down. The amber liquid sloshes around the sides.

My gaze roams the bar, moving over the thick gold crushed velvet curtains and the black leather booths. Polished wood tables gleam beneath crystal chandeliers.

Men in dress shirts and slacks move around the room, guiding beautiful women in cocktail dresses. Bubbling laughter blends with the soft jazz music played by the band on the corner podium.

Another man takes a seat at the other end of the bar, just next to where the bartender stands. The corner of my mouth curves up in a sultry smile.

The bartender turns to the man and takes his order as I drink in the sight of the man. His sharp jaw clenches, the muscle in it ticking as he looks around.

As the bartender makes the drink, the man’s attention lands fully on mine. He leans forward, propping his muscular body up with folded arms on the top of the bar. Strands of strawberry blond hair dust his forehead, almost falling into his dark blue eyes.

I pull the cherry out of my glass, making sure his attention is locked on me. As I dangle the cherry above my full lips, a tingle of excitement runs through my body.

The flavor of cherry explodes on my tongue as I take my time sucking the fruit off the stem. The man watches me, his big frame is shifting on the small leather stool.

I pull the stem from my mouth, my tongue flicking over my bottom lip, and set it on the napkin beside me. The man takes his drink from the bartender before getting up and moving through the crowd of people gathering around the bar.

The smile on my face stays in place as he makes his way over. He slides onto the stool next to me, the scent of his overpowering cologne tickling my nose.

“Now, what’s a beautiful woman like you, doing all alone tonight?” His voice is smooth and low, his accent barely audible, as he leans closer to me. “Hell, I’m surprised half the men here don’t ditch their dates to talk to you.”

I run my finger around the rim of my glass again, capturing a drop of the alcohol. As I lift the finger to my mouth, my tongue darts out to catch the drop. His eyes lock on my mouth, clearly thinking of only one thing.

“I could ask the same about you.” I twist to face him, my knee brushing against his. “You don’t seem like the kind of man who is used to spending his Friday nights alone.”

He chuckles, his drink forgotten on the bar. “I like to find the prettiest lady in the bar and see if she would be willing to lower her standards for one night.”

I give him a soft giggle, leaning forward and setting my hand on his leg. It’s a brief touch before I pull away, but it’s enough. His nostrils flare as his interest burns in his eyes.

“I’m sure that you have more to offer a girl than that.”

He shrugs one shoulder, his crooked smile charming. “Well, only if I know her name.”

“Hazel.” I hold out my hand, the light from the chandeliers glinting off my red polished nails.

He takes my hand and kisses the back of it. “Yuri.”

“So, now that you know my name, what else can you offer me?”

He takes out his wallet and drops a hundred-dollar bill on the bar before standing up. Yuri downs his drink in one go, putting the glass back down before holding out his hand for me.

“You’ll see.”

I slip my hand into his, allowing him to help me down from the stool. “That sounds promising.”

His hand moves to my lower back, his thumb drifting along my spine. We weave through the bar together, dodging people and tables on the way out.

The night air is cool against my skin and goose bumps cover my arms. Yuri shrugs off his suit jacket and drapes it over my shoulders. I nestle into the warmth as he leads me over to a sleek red sports car.

The beige leather is buttery soft against the back of my thighs as I nestle into the seat. Yuri closes the door and rounds the car, sliding in beside me.

“Very nice car.” I stretch my legs in front of me, allowing my dress to creep higher up my thighs.
