Page 56 of The Initiation

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To safety.

I’m nearly there.

Just as I get close enough to see it’s a house, a red Ferrari swerves in front of me.

Before the door opens, I turn to the trees, forcing my body to move faster.

And I’m almost at the trees when someone tackles me to the ground.

As I fall, I scream before my breath is squashed out of me by someone else’s body weight.

“Got the bitch,” the guy on top of me yells. He forces something over my head, pulling it tight.

It feels like fabric, but with his weight on me already constricting my breathing, it might as well be plastic. My hands aren’t pinned down, so I try to claw the thing off me, then at his hands, but I can barely reach them.

“Why the fuck are you just sitting there?” a second voice asks—female. I recognize her voice, but I can’t think who it belongs to. “It’s freezing, and I’m done with this game.”

“Then go wait in the car. I’m going to fuck her here.”

“The instructions were to bring her back to the crypt and then we fuck her. If you want to go against Syn’s orders, you might not want to do it when Gemini’s got a fucking drone on you.”

“Remington would probably get off on it,” the guy mutters. But then he lets go of the thing over my head and quickly grabs my hands, pulling them painfully behind my back. “Look, bitch, I’ve got you. You’re getting in the trunk of my car, one way or another. It’s up to you how painful this will be.”

I stop trying to fight him then.

Without releasing me, the guy eases himself off before pulling me awkwardly to my knees. His grip is still tight around my wrists as he waits for me to clumsily stand.

Upright, I can just about make out the glow of the streetlight and the headlights through the thick weave of the fabric, but not much else.

The easiest thing probably would be to give up and go back with him, but something in me is still fighting.

I stand still, trying to catch my breath as much as figure out what to do next. And then he presses his chest up against my back, forcing my hands over his crotch.

“This is—”

With all the force I can muster, I slam my head back.

As something crunches, and he lets out a yell of pain, he also releases me.

I run forward, but before I’ve even managed to pull the thing fully from off my head, I use all the air in my lungs to scream.

A loud explosion ripples through the air. Almost instantly, there’s a second explosion behind me.

The first, I’m certain, is a gunshot. Instinctively, I cover my head, diving back to the ground.

“Get the fuck away from her, or the next one hits you,” someone yells from somewhere in front of me.

My arms and hands are barely listening to my commands as I try to fight through the tremors to pull the covers from my eyes. When I do, it’s in time to see the guy—a junior named Ross Linch—dive into the driver’s seat of his car.

In a squeal of spinning tires, he turns the car around and peels away.


My mind feels like it’s seconds away from shutting down, but when I look in the direction of the voice and see Dr. Wright running towards me, carrying a gun. Wearing a pair of grey sweatpants, a white T-shirt, and an unlaced pair of boots, all I can do is stare dumbly, because he’s the last person I expect to see.

He reaches my side in seconds, and with his free hand, pulls me into a sitting position. “Are you hurt?”

“Are you real?” I try to ask, but with my chattering teeth and sore throat, I’m not sure that’s what he can hear.

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