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“They sure do. I’ve never had a vaulter here before. I appreciate you filling in for Austin.” Josie pushed off the wall to reach over the railing and pat Apollo. “He’s such a big dude.”

Charlotte laughed. “Yeah, he is, but he’s a gentle giant.”

“Kind of like our cowboys, huh?” Josie asked, glancing at her from the corner of her eye.

“Yeah, maybe,” Charlotte said, heat filling her cheeks.

“So, what do you think about our little mountain town? Does it make you homesick for Wyoming?” Josie’s slight change of subject had Charlotte swiftly switching perspectives.

“Well, it’s different from Wyoming in many ways,” she said. “But it has its own flavor that speaks to me.”

“Well, you gonna check out that residency program you were talking about?” Josie asked, and the way she did had Charlotte wondering about what was up her sleeve.

“I am. It’s only an hour and a half from here…” Charlotte raised an eyebrow, willing Josie to say what she came to say.

“That’s my thought…it’s pretty close…if you wanted to, you know, set up something here more…permanent?” Josie laid the bait.

Charlotte laughed. “I’m not sure I’d want to drive that commute every day.”

“Oh, I wasn’t talking every day…but I mean, you know there are days off, right?” Josie asked. “The kids would love to have someone here who could train them. A few girls, who I haven’t seen smile the entire summer, laughed while on Apollo. That’s quite the magic.”

“Oh, I don’t think that’s magic. It’s more like God using His creations to speak to them,” Charlotte said, remembering the peace that had come over her as she helped one sullen girl onto Apollo.

“Ahh, yes, I agree with that, but then again, I’ve always seen God as magic.” Josie winked.

Charlotte smiled. “I like that image.”


Charlotte thought about what Josie said and how she felt here…but there was one thing holding her back…or should she say one person. “It’s definitely something to think about.”

Josie watched her intently, and then she smiled. “I’m sure Cody could put some pressure on Austin to make a move, too.”

“Oh,” Charlotte said, her tone saddening. “Austin lives for the rodeo. He’s not one to settle down.”

“Don’t forget that Cody was a rodeo man, too…well, still is, but a settled one now.” Josie squeezed her arm in support.

“Yeah, maybe in time…” The hope still lived. She clung to it, but she also knew Austin and knew where his heart lay. His entire identity was wrapped around the rodeo. How could she ask him to give that up?

“Well, the kids have other activities tomorrow if you want to take a trip down to the residency program site tomorrow.” Josie shrugged. “It would at least give you an idea if it was something that would work for you or not.”

“Oh, tomorrow?” Charlotte thought about going into Chico. “Emilia would probably love to take a little trip. Okay. If you’re sure I’m not needed?”

“Not needed. Sundays and Mondays are full days with more counseling-related activities. You’ve met Megan, right? She’s our Camp Counselor.” Josie nodded toward the small counseling office.

“Yes. I met her and a gal that looks a bit like her. Are they sisters?” Charlotte thought of the sweet connection the two of them had.

“Oh, you mean Chasity. They’re not sisters, but might as well be. They’ve been best friends for years. Chasity is married to our sheriff. They all have quite the stories, should you ever be at a place to listen to them. They’re quite inspiring.” Josie winked at her and started toward the door of the stables. “Enjoy your trip tomorrow. I can’t wait to hear about it.”

“Thank you,” Charlotte said, lifting a hand in farewell.

to see the area outside of Hope Lake. She’d been champing at the bit to get out of the little town since they arrived last week, but the kids had filled her heart as well. How could they not? A little trip might do them both some good.


A marvelous sunset filled the rearview mirror in glorious colors that seemed to wrap the beautiful day up perfectly. The clinic would be a perfect place for her residency. The grounds were amazing, the hospital state-of-the-art, and the people were nearly as friendly as a small town in Wyoming.

“So?” Emilia asked, bouncing in the passenger seat. “What did you think?”
