Page 35 of Locked Out

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“I cannot confirm the Society’s existence, but should it exist, membership would not be easily granted.” Cash had to tread carefully here. “Hypothetically speaking, I would need to know for sure that you have the book before even broaching the idea of membership with certain individuals.”

Crosera gave a slow nod. “Understandable,” he murmured. “You go talk to your people and see what they say. I will have my people look around. I will send word when I have an answer for you. We can further this discussion then.”

That was it. They were being dismissed. Cash stood and gave a quick nod. “Mr. Crosera.”

The large man nodded back. “Say hi to your grandmother, Antonio.”

“Of course, sir,” Antonio replied.

The two men headed out of the room and back down the hallway. Dante hit the starter as they approached the boat, and they were underway within a minute. “You notice they didn’t bother to even search us for weapons?” Antonio asked.

Cash nodded. At first, he’d thought it sloppy but realized very quickly once they were in the room that Crosera probably had multiple guns pointed at them the whole time. “That man had at least two shotguns attached to the bottom of the desk. Probably had a couple of guys behind the walls with guns pointed at us, too. Would be like shooting fish in a barrel.”

Antonio nodded. “Crosera thinks it’s insulting to frisk his guests but he has no problem killing them if they even twitch funny.”

They pulled up in front of the house and Cash was the first one off. He had about two hours before Archer arrived. That gave him a bit of time to review the security protocols one last time and make sure everything was ready for the meeting between Davenport and Li.

It also gave him time to go talk to Riss, if he wanted. Did he tell her that her family name was most likely Fitzgerald, or did he keep that to himself? He opened the door to the house to find Dominick on the upstairs landing with Vanessa shrieking holy hell.

Could this day get any worse?


Riss cursed as she finished reading the titles of all the books on the bottom shelf. Where the hell was it? It had to be a book title. She recognized it the moment she saw it on the piece of paper in the secret compartment of the jewelry box. Who didn’t know The Joy of Cooking? It had to be here somewhere. Why else would Alicia write the book's name on a slip of paper and stick it in the hidden compartment in the box? No other explanation made sense and she wished her sister was here to explain it. Was it a specific copy? It couldn’t be just some random copy. There were no other references on the paper. No page number or recipe number or list of ingredients, nothing to identify what she should be looking for, so it must be a specific copy of the book. Or at least that’s what she’d been telling herself for the last thirty minutes. She only had one row of shelves left to search and then she was out of options.

She scanned the top shelf but nothing. She moved down to the next shelf when a hand touched her waist. “Ah!” she let out a small yell as she whirled around to find Derek Davenport standing just behind her.

“You scared the life out of me,” she admonished as she put her hand on her chest.

He grinned. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sneak up on you. You were so engrossed in your task you just didn’t hear me coming. What are you looking for?”

Riss leaned against the bookshelves. “Just something interesting to read. Having some trouble sleeping.”

Davenport said, “I know just the thing to help with that.” And his smile grew.

She had no doubts about that. “I thought I might read a book.”

“Reading is a noble pursuit,” Davenport agreed. “I like to read myself.” He brushed her hair off her shoulder. “I particularly like to read in bed. I find it very relaxing.”

Riss had no idea what to say to get herself out of this conversation. It was all well and good to flirt with Davenport at dinner when Cash was present but honestly, she found Davenport intimidating. And Cash’s warning for her to stay clear of this man clanged like an alarm in her head. “Er, right, well…what are you reading now?”

“Foreign markets.” He chuckled and suppressed a shudder. “Truly boring.” He walked over to the bar in the corner of the library. “Can I get you a drink?”

“Oh, I think I’m okay for now.”

“Nonsense. One nightcap. It will help you sleep.” He grabbed a bottle of amber liquid. “Bourbon, if I remember.”

She licked her lips and watched him splash the booze in a glass and added some ice. “I read that you’re expanding in Europe?” She made it into a question. Men loved to talk about their successes, at least that’s what she always found.

He glanced up as he poured himself four fingers of bourbon as well. “Yes. I’m looking to have a permanent space in a few new markets. Europe has a lot of room for growth.” He picked up the two drinks and came over to stand in front of her offering her one of the glasses. It was only then that she realized she hadn’t moved, and he was once again standing between her and the door.

“Thank you,” she said and automatically took a sip of the drink. “Did I read that you’re working on some new AI product? Something about a new campus that will help you revolutionize smart home systems?”

He paused just for a fraction of a second and a strange look flitted across his face but then it was gone. “You do keep up to date. Yes. The company needs a new location for expansion. We have many important projects we’re working on and we need space to create. We’re looking all over Europe and the Far East, actually.”

“Nice,” she murmured. “I’m sure you’ll find something to your liking.”

He moved forward and leaned on the books next to her before taking a sip of his drink. “Oh, I already have.”

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